Thursday, December 22, 2005


How come something is consider worthless if you can figure a way to make money off the idea of whatever it is? It sure seems that way to me.

Whatever happened to the idea of doing stuff just for fun? Is there some law they came out with that says that is a bad deal?

That’s like when I come up with some truly inspired idea for something I figure would give people a little extra joy in life. And I get all excited and think to myself how really cool it would be if you could make it a reality.

Like the other day I thought it would be so great if you could figure a way to make it so that every once and a while instead of clouds just raining water they could rain something else. Such as chocolate milk. Now wouldn’t it be cool to be able to go out side and hold out a glass and let it fill up with something that really tastes great.

Now what would be that tough about making that happened? You just get a few cows, feed them chocolate then load them in a plane with parachutes. After you get high enough above the clouds you toss them out and let all that tasty chocolate milk fill up the clouds.

I mean if I can figure that part out how come somebody hasn’t tried it yet? It seems like it would have been so easy if you got the right cows and all.

Oh that would be just one idea for rain. Why I bet if you got enough folks involve you could pretty much get anything to rain. It would just be a matter of finding the right folks to make it happen.

But you know it doesn’t work that way. I wish it did, but it don’t. And you know how come? Because of people like my buddy.

Don’t get me wrong, Otis is a really great bud. Only problem is this practical application stuff. There I sit with some incredible idea I figure would be so fantastic to try and he’ll spoil it by asking something silly like who is going to pay to make it take place?

I ask you do I have to think of everything? It sure bugs me when he gets into one of those darn moods where he points out some practical facts that explain why my dream will never take place. I just hate when that happens.

I’m thinking one of these days I just got to find somebody who agrees with me about fun ideas that you can make a reality without money. I’m sure they are out there somewhere. And I don’t mean at some place with padded walls either!

In the meantime if any of you guys want to invest in the chocolate rain idea I’m ready to help. It might be good if you had some cows available, but if not I suppose we can find a farmer somewhere who won’t mind contributing them and perhaps the chocolate. As for the parachutes, well I got no idea where to get those. Perhaps we could just get enough helium to fill the cow’s tummy to make them float. Ah it is so hard to be so dang creative with so many folks that lack the ability to dream.


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