Monday, January 02, 2006


Oh man is this one of those stupid things or what? I mean I hear it all the time over at STINK. Somebody will be talking about whatever and say I would be better off if I was and then they add something like rich.

Well I guess being rich might have its advantages. Course that is sort of hard to say for sure. The only rich dude I know is Mr. Mammongrabber and he sure don’t seem to be better off. Heck he spends all his time whenever I see him griping about money and how much things cost. That just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me considering the fact he has so much money as it is.

Now outside of that thing about being rich there are the dudes that say they would be better off working at some other job. Is there some kind of catalogue or something that says there is a “fun” rating for work? That if you get a certain kind of job that you will end up having more fun than at other jobs? I was just wondering because if there is I don’t mind buying a copy.

Not that I want to give up being a grimefighter or garbage man. I’m cool with both of those. I would just think it might be fun to find out how those jobs were rating in that kind of book. Seems fair.

Well unless I can find it though I guess I’ll be happy to just accept I wouldn’t be better off with some other option. Shoot I’m not even sure what would be a choice I would consider if I wanted to anyway.

Anyway I think the one thing I really scratch my head about are the dudes that say they would be better off dead. Do they know something about life after death that I don’t?

From what the Reverend Analbe says I’m not sure that they are correct. At least that would be the case if you don’t get to go to heaven. That other place sounds so yucky the way he describes it that I just couldn’t imagine how you would be better off there than in this life.

Which is why it makes me wonder if they really know that or even care. Or maybe they just plan on going to heaven. And I suppose that might be better than being here. Only problem is you can’t get any like travel brochures or anything that is full of pictures. And they don’t have a customer service number you could call to ask for one either.

Course if I’m understanding Reverend Analbe anyway it wouldn’t do much good if they did have like a answering machine you could leave a message at in heaven. From what he says they speak only Hebrew or Greek there. So I know even if I called the number providing I could find it I probably wouldn’t understand the message. I wonder if that means they got lots of interpreters to help explain junk when you get there. I sure hope so. And who knows perhaps that is what makes the other place so yucky in part. No interpreters. Just a thought I guess. I suppose I’ll have to ask the Reverend Analbe about that the next time I see him. Which will most likely be some morning when we stop at the donut shop. I sure hope for his sake they got donuts in heaven. I don’t imagine the Reverend will be all jazzed with the idea otherwise. I’ll be he’ll be the only one in a white robe in heaven with donut crumbs on it. Guess that isn’t all bad is it?


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