Sunday, January 01, 2006


Fried chicken can really be tasty and a great treat on some cases. It just is one of those cool things to have when you get bored with burgers and pizza and burritos and jelly beans, er well okay maybe not jelly beans.

Now we normally get our fried chicken from this one little take out place over by the grocery store. They have great fried chicken. And I know it is good because when you get the big paper bucket it is all stained with grease. That tells me they sure did make sure they cooked it a nice long time. So that helps.

Sometimes shoot when you take a piece out of that bucket it is even dripping with grease. I tell you that just isn’t the kind of quality you can find just anywhere.

Although I do admit that sometimes after having say six or eight pieces my stomach feels a little funny. I guess that grease doesn’t always agree with me.

So that is the time I make sure I take out a dozen or two biscuits out of the four or five dozen we get with the three bucket of chickens and eat them to off set the grease. But to me one thing I have to do is make sure I smother them in butter so they don’t taste too dry. Then that normally isn’t enough so I generally use lots of syrup too.

Otis prefers honey or jam, but me I like syrup. I guess because syrup comes in a bottle and I don’t have to waste time using a knife like Otis does. I mean the fewer things I use that have to be washed after I eat the better it is for me.

What I’m working on is this idea of ways I might be able to have my fried chicken stuffed with biscuits. That would save time of having to eat them separate. Plus if you could add in plenty of syrup that would help too.

Maybe they can figure a way you know to feed chickens lots of biscuits with syrup on them before they turn them into fried chickens? I wonder if that would be tough to do.

Course I don’t know how smart chickens are. Well I guess they can be too smart if they don’ know when the farmer is giving them burgers or pizza to eat or whatever they love to eat that he’s doing it to get them ready to end up fried. So maybe he wouldn’t have to waste time with doing something like explaining when he started shoving a plate of biscuits smothered in syrup under their beaks.

I think next time I’m down at the take out place maybe I’ll ask them about how that works. I also think it could be a plus for them. I mean they wouldn’t need all that extra space to store the biscuits and syrup. That would be a big help don’t you think?

Still I don’t know if asking the dude that works over there at the chicken place will be much help. He’s not then friendliest guy in the world. I’ve tried making other type so cool suggestions like this before. And now days he just seems to always find some reason to not want to chat when I come in. Guess everyone gets busy huh?


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