Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Now there are some things in life that seem to make a whole lot of sense. Others just leave you scratching your head. And if you aren’t careful you can easily get them confused.

There are sure some strange people you meet from time to time. It is like this one dude I know. He’s got this thing about running. I never quite figured that part out. Even if nobody is chasing him he’ll be out there running or what he calls jogging. Does any truly sane person do this? I mean on purpose when you don’t have too?

Well he sure seems to enjoy it I guess. Although whenever I see him he’s all sweaty and out of breath. I do have to wonder how come anybody would think that is a good thing.

I have tried asking him, but he just mumbles something about “just do it” and I don’t know the rest made less sense than that. How it had anything to do with cards is beyond me. He claims though it is good card “dio” exercise. So I reckon it means he likes to gamble a lot. I got no idea what kind of card game dio is, but if you got to do all that running, I think I’ll pass. Besides what does the winner get, a pair of smelly sneakers?

Another weirdo thing to me is this business of sunning or tanning. Personally I’m not a big fan of feeling sun burnt. And let me tell you I know Otis ain’t either. I mean the one thing he sure don’t want to do is take off his shirt where somebody would see him. I don’t like to rag on my buddy, but I did hear one person claim that he had seen Otis with his shirt off once and it nearly blinded him from fright. Well I don’t know about that part. True my buddy is shaped like the Pillsbury Dough Boy and just as pale, but I don’t think getting sun burnt will improve the problem.

Again this is one of those things that somebody seems to enjoy. I’m not sure why. The way I figure if God wanted us all to get sun burnt he could have turned the ground into a frying pan or something. Okay I’m just figuring here that would be one way of doing it. Even though I think the Reverned Analbe has ideas that God already does tan people The reverend just calls it eternal damnation.

It just comes down to doing something you enjoy. As for me well I ain’t going to run anywhere I don’t have to or end up looking like a crispy critter either. I just like my fun plain and simple. That way I can just concentrate on having a good time.

Which to me shouldn’t end up painful or exhausting. And you know maybe for some reason if those other folks ever decide to get smart about this having a good time thing they can ask me and I’ll be happy to explain to them what real funning is all about.

Ain’t it too bad how some folks just like to mess up a good thing? As for me, well there is little in life that doesn’t end in a smile for me if it involves jelly beans and the nice thing I don’t even break a sweat to enjoy them.


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