Thursday, December 29, 2005


Bummer, bummer, bummer. Yep, I hate to use such big and emotional words like that, but there are times when I can’t help it.

Now there is nothing more tragic to me that to get a hankerin for some soda crackers and go into the cupboard and find and empty box. Then I get really pissed because I’m thinking to myself, “Hey who is the creep that left a stupid empty box where the crackers ought to be.”

Then of course my mind drifts to thinking it was probably my buddy Otis. He’s not really a creep though. Oh he can get a little hoggish when it comes to stuff like Spam, but otherwise he’s basically cool most of the time.

And normally sooner or later I remember that I was the creep who used up the last soda crackers and then forgot to throw away the box. Man there ain’t any worse feeling than to get pissed at somebody and then find out you’re really pissed at yourself. That makes me feel really dumb and stupid.

In our apartment most of the time thought when it comes to sharing stuff my buddy Otis and I have sort of understanding. Like with snacks. Stuff like candy we manage to split up when we get home from the store and then I got my stash and he’s got his. Ice cream, well we try to keep it divided up, but sometimes it doesn’t work. Still we do try and I guess I feel that is a good thing.

Then there is stuff like peanut butter and cereal and junk like that. No big problem there. Otis normally is cool about getting enough so we don’t run out and we don’t have to strain our brains and how much one of us eats.

But for some reason we never get around to giving any thought to dividing up the soda crackers or even the pop. Otis just buys it and stuffs it in the closet and then we use it as we want. At least that is how I understand the way we do it.

However let me tell you if one of us gets in the mood for some nice cold pop and go to the refrigerator and there ain’t any, well it is just a good thing I guess that none of you is around to hear our comments. Because it sure isn’t something that is uplifting.

I was sort of thinking that maybe Otis and I ought to figure a good way to concentrate better on dividing up the pop and soda crackers. For some reason though I just never seem to remember when we are at the store or even when we are putting the groceries away. It normally only occurs to me when I got for a pop or crackers and we are out.

Course I’m so busy griping to myself that I don’t get around to thinking of telling Otis till later. And generally he just sits there with cracker breath or burping from drinking the last root beer and says it is no big deal. I try to remember that when he comes griping to me when I drink the last pop myself. But it is hard to be all that eloquent between all the burps.


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