Friday, January 06, 2006


To me there isn’t any better feeling that coming to the end of a hard day at work that you got a lot accomplished. It just warms your insides with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Normally on the way home on the bus my buddy Otis and I will often sit back and talk about when we have a good day. We’ll sit and talk about cool it was to empty all the trash and also when we managed to stop for donuts and nobody wrinkled their nose to make us feel we self conscious about the way we smell.

Course we do have to be careful and make sure we got cleaned up enough before getting on the bus. I’m telling you we get nothing, but weird looks if we managed not to get clean enough.

Otherwise for the most part people don’t seem to pay much attention to our garbage collection chats. We don’t mind anyway since if they weren’t there they probably wouldn’t appreciate it anyway.

Naturally no ride home would be all that complete without spending some time talking about fighting grime. Sometimes I got to admit we really get into technical stuff like using the Squash cell phone or some of the special grimefighter gadgets we have to use as grimefighters.

I remember this one time when Otis and I had a really exciting day. We ended up getting into a battle or sorts with this couple of griminals. It was an extra tough battle too. And seeing how it took place at the sewer treatment plant it was even more memorable.

We got to talking about some of our other adventures and dealing with people like Professor Buford Fits and all his ideas about how chickens were plotting to take over the world. It sure was fun to chat and remember all that stuff.

I don’t know though the other people on the bus sure gave us some strange looks. And they did sort of move kind of as far away from as possible.

At first I was kind of hurt to think they didn’t like us for some reason. But my buddy just pointed out how sometimes other people are inclined to be jealous of how much fun we have battling grime and dealing with some many people who have kind of different understandings about life.

Well that sounded pretty good too me. And I guess when they all clapped like they were celebrating when we got off the bus that was something that came from jealously too if Otis is correct.

I guess one of these days we would maybe even get some of those folks to stop rolling their eyes when we are talking. But if not then I guess that’s okay too because when it is quitting time I really am feeling no pain.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "The dude that said 'sticks and stones will break one's bones, but words will never hurt me' obviously never heard of when you call up somebody and tell them to beat the snot out of somebody else!"


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