Sunday, January 08, 2006


I’m sure glad that I didn’t go to this school when I grew up. It just doesn’t sound all that appealing. At least from the way some people describe it. And I wouldn’t want to see the homework either! I wonder what kind of grade you get too?

Back when I was in school it was just called an elementary and high school. Any knocking that got done was accidentally. Well okay there were times once I discovered the joys of my little wooden buddy that the knocks weren’t always accidental, but other than that most of the time they weren’t on purpose.

I’ve got a feeling that the school of hard knocks was probably a lot more popular than I might have imagined. In fact when you think about it perhaps it is the reason they expect you to wear those stupid cap and gowns at a graduation. It might be a good way to cover up any bruise you get from all those hard knocks.

Which also kind of bugs me. I mean is there such a thing as a “soft” knock. What is that like being hit with a foam rubber bat or something? So it seems to me that you probably don’t really even need to call it hard knocks since there really ain’t any other kind.

Now personally I do have to wonder in some ways about what kind of dude is willing to keep going to some school where you get bashed a lot. I mean is this like something where the teacher keeps whacking you constantly or does it involve students each taking turns and whacking each other? Plus do you have to bring your own bat or do they provide them? And do they provide lessons or is it a case of practicing till you get it right, whatever that happens to be? I figure those are good questions to ask just in case.

In any case what I want to know is how long would a sane person really want to go to some school where you knew up front somebody was going to whack you constantly. Boy I don’t think I want to see the kind of final exam they give you. I bet it is real painful. At least it sounds like it would be.

The one thing I sort of gather on this subject too is that it sure doesn’t make the students any smarter. Not if you base your opinion on the folks I’ve seen that said they went to such a school. That is because they sure don’t seem real bright too me. At best they are just regular folks.

Of course in all fairness here out smart can you become if you are spending all your time ducking to keep from being clobbering. Oh you might learn how to be quick at ducking if that is a good thing. But in terms of knowledge out of a book if you got hit on the head enough your brains might leak out of your ears and I can’t see where that would help make you any smarter.

I guess there is something to be said for higher education. I reckon that is where they stand on a ladder to beat you in this school of hard knocks or maybe just use a longer bat. I doubt it hurts any different though. Guess I’m glad I don’t have to find out!


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