Saturday, January 07, 2006


I’ve heard this said before and I’m sure you have too. Only I’ve heard people say it even when they don’t own a car. And while I’m no expert on cars I do know if you don’t have one you problem wouldn’t have that much need for brakes.

Still I suppose there are other things you might want to stop besides a car. So I can appreciate how need to brake something to keep it from happening again is a good thing. Providing you are talking about just stopping and not stopping by “breaking” something.

You know like if you get stuck washing the dirty dishes and don’t really want to wash them so you accidentally on purpose drop them to be sure you don’t have to wash them. Yeah that type of breaking isn’t a good idea, especially if there is a chance somebody is going to catch you dropping a dish. I know because it happen to me a couple of times and believe me there just isn’t anyway to explain it very easily.

But maybe somebody has better luck in that department. All I know is that most of the time breaking junk doesn’t end in you getting to stop doing junk. If it really worked that way them I know over at STINK my boss Dr. Hemoglobin would have no doubt had me stop doing lots of stuff as a grimefighter after I had one of my little OOPS incidents.

Those are the ones where I broke something and it really was an accident, accident instead of a fake accident. However it gets kind of tough at times to get my boss to see it that way.

Like the time that we were in the garbage truck and it was cold outside so Otis left the motor running so I could use the heater while he went into the store to check on some Spam. Well it was so nice and toasty in there and I was tired from emptying trash cans and sort of ended up taking a nap.

I didn’t mean to let my hand fall on the gearshift level and accidentally shifted it in gear. But it happens and all I can say is that the store was thinking of remodeling anyway and that garbage truck did need a paint job anyway. So I sort of thought in that situation everything sort of worked out for the best. And I did get a break in terms of stopping that ended up in stopping the store from putting off that remodeling decision.

That too me meant that what happen even though it was an accident was something that had some good results. Sort of gimmie a brake in terms of stopping that gave a regular kind of break to the store and our truck.

I sure wish Dr. Hemoglobin had appreciated that though. Unfortunately he didn’t enjoy “sponsoring” the remodeling job for the store or putting a new paint job on the garbage truck either.

I reckon the one good thing that out of all of that I didn’t end up with any other kind of break. Like the one I heard from Otis that our boss wish would happened. But I don’t honestly think a broken neck would have been good for stopping me from doing anything I needed to do. So I’m kind of glad he didn’t figure out a way to gimmie that kind of break. Here’s hoping whatever brake comes your way stops only the junk you want it to stop.


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