Monday, January 09, 2006


I’ve heard people talk about how experience is such a great teacher. Personally I’m not so convinced that is always true. I mean if doing something once was enough so you didn’t have to do it again then perhaps it would be a good thing.

But for example you look at something like passing gas. Well no matter how many times you do it does it ever mean you won’t have to do it again? And does it improve with practice? I mean do you like learn how to make it stop smelling? Not from where my nose is attached to my face?

Plus do we really learn all that much from when we do things right, even by accident? It is like stuffing it away in our bragging closet and then forgetting about it.

I reckon the best lesson we learn in terms of experience is when we screw up. Most of the time a big mistake seems to be best way to teach us how not to make the same stupid mistake a second time. For me I know it works that way.

I’m not saying it wouldn’t be great if it were otherwise. Because man feeling dumb and stupid is something that inspires a person to try and avoid the same mistake again, but it don’t mean you enjoy it.

So this whole experience thing to me is sort of overrated in some ways. Plus it does nothing to keep people like my boss from giving these “inspirational” speeches. That is what he calls getting up and sharing some vision he has for how some plan is going to work out.

The only problem is that most of the time since we haven’t done that thing before it ends up turning out nothing like what he talked about. And does the fact that it turns out to be a mess keep him from giving more speeches? Nope. That part of experience sure don’t change much.

Worse of all to me is the fact that even when something don’t work out he’ll still come up with some other speech on the same subject next time. And he’ll give another bunch of talking using big words and lots of vision junk that ends up being no more true than the first one.

I guess I sort of look at it that I know how things are going to turn out by how long a speech our boss gives on the subject. The longer the speech the more I know he really has no actual experience with the subject. That means being prepared to have a real huge screw up at some point.

But that is all the joy of being a grimefighter. All that isn’t necessarily fun, but it is a living I guess.

Meanwhile, I’ll still cringe when it comes to knowing as long as we are doing something following a speech then experience will probably end up a pain in the butt. That’s one pain you just never get over or heal.


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