Sunday, January 15, 2006


I sure hate when I ask for help on something and the person gets some snooty attitude that tells me they aren’t willing to help unless I do a big job of sucking up. Normally that doesn’t happen to me a lot, but there are times like if I haven’t had jelly beans for a long time like two hours that I can get desperate.

It is just my luck too that the jerk at the candy store can tell when I’m really, really anxious and maybe a little short on cash. Since I a regular there he’ll work with me on the cost to a degree. Well eventually, but a lot of times he seems to want to get his jollies by doing something to make sure I work extra hard for his help.

This is all a stupid game he plays and I know it as well as he does, but he still likes to play it. And if there are any customers in the place, man does he get extra nasty about helping. It is like he wants me to act as if I’m his stupid dog who does tricks. Man I can only handle so much of that kind of abuse.

So depending upon how hungry and broke I am, I’ll go along with his nonsense for a while. If he gets too insulting though then watch out. Because he also knows that if he bugs me too much I’ll go and fetch my little wooden buddy to express my appreciate for his behavior.

Course I can’t choose that option too much. People kind of have a habit of being real grumpy and uncooperative if you end up brawling them into a state of unconscious so they end up in extreme pain when they wake up. And I know that if they start bawling that ain’t a good thing in terms of asking for help.

I have to keep all that stuff in mind of course when my tummy is on empty in terms of jelly beans. That is really the main time when I give all this stuff the most thought.

After all as a super hero grimefighter I do have to be concerned over keeping up a good hero image. Begging just don’t fit in with that very good for the most part.

I wish there was a way for me to get a better deal on thinks like jelly beans at times. I know as a super hero I’m not suppose to expect any reward from my helping to save the world. I’m not sure who came up with that rule. Probably the cheapskates who were always needing help and were too cheap to pay for it.

In any case, I’m cool with the idea as long as sometimes somebody cuts me some slack on my jelly beans. That just means that I don’t get into this position everyday, which is the best part for me.

Now I just hope that me sharing this in a way helps some of you who might have a similar problem. I mean if you know a super hero has the same problem then you might not feel so bad when it happens to you. And if that is the service I perform by admitting to being human then that is cool. So here’s hoping you don’t have to do much brawling or bawling if and when you have to consider any begging.


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