Monday, January 16, 2006


Do you ever use Tupperware to store stuff? In case you don’t know what Tupperware is let me explain. That is the name of this really cool type of plastic containers they make that you can store all kinds of junk in. More for fun those, but you can get creative and use it for other things too.

My buddy Otis is treats using Tupperware like some kind of religious act. I swear if he can find any excuse to put something in a little plastic container and stick it in the icebox he’ll do it. Now I can’t prove it, but there are times when I honestly think he goes out to the neighbors and borrows leftovers just to have the fun to sticking it in the ice box in those cool plastic containers.

I don’t really mind using them. However the thing is that Otis and I have a different philosophy and leftovers. With him, if you don’t eat it all, you save it and eat it later. No be deal I guess, but the big problem is that sometimes a container will accidentally get shoved to the back of the icebox and you miss it completely. That is until you discover it a long time later and by then the stuff inside is no longer something you can eat. Unless you are fond of trying to eat something that looks like an alien creature just barfed it up and it also smells real bad. That doesn’t work for me.

So my approach to this thing is to not have any leftovers in the first place. Just eat them all up when you have them for a meal. I mean when Otis fixes something like macaroni and cheese I do what I can to eat it all. I got to admit it gets a little tough after five big bowlfuls to be willing to finish off three or four more. But sometimes I still manage if I have enough time.

That is only a problem if Otis is in a hurry to go somewhere after dinner. Then he’ll stand over me like some bird of prey waiting to jump on me and won’t leave me alone till I stop eating.

Outside of those situations what I do is gobble down as much as I can. Then I reach for the pop or milk and see if that will sort of help me get more room to keep eating.

There are moments though we what I do is get up and jump up and down for a bit in hopes of say causing the food to settle more and make more room to help me avoid having to worry about leftovers. I just Otis was cool about that option, but he ain’t.

If I don’t get a chance to do that then I normally end up appreciate that it will no doubt end with Tupperware time one way or another. Which isn’t the worse option. Maybe one of these days will even figure out some system so we don’t screw up and let some small container get stuck at the back of the ice box.

Until then I guess we’ll have to follow Otis’ solution to getting rid of those containers. I don’t really like sneaking into somebody else’s house when they aren’t home and leaving the container in their ice box, but it is a way to keep from having to through it away, Like my buddy says maybe they have more of use for some green hairy crud that makes you faint when you smell it than we do. Although it is hard to say since we always make sure we never ask them anyway.


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