Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Yep there really are times when the only way you can talk about a day is by mentioning how crummy it is. I don’t like to get off on always thinking bad things about something, but how can you avoid it when you got to deal with certain people.

It really gets to be a pain when part of your day is spent being a super hero type who has to always spend time saving the world from crap like well, crap. Here I am out there doing my best to put my butt on the line to see that grime doesn’t take over and do you think I get any thanks, forget it?

You sure can’t count on those griminal types to give you any applause. Hit you with a shovel yes, but never applause.

Actually I guess I don’t know I would react if I ran into some griminal who thanked me for busting them. I might think the person was crazy. Oh there is no doubt to me that griminals are crazy anyway, but one that was totally nuts would really concern me.

Somehow I just don’t imagine that is going to happen. Instead I reckon the same thing will take place that always takes place. You wake up each day and never know if you’ll end up with a reason to shout, smile, scream or frown. Er that doesn’t necessarily mean that shouting and smiling go together while screaming and frowning are meant to go together either. I guess it is just a matter of how you choose to look at it.

Right now I feel like I’m in the mood to be a crouch. I can’t say that is a great thing, but the only thing great is knowing it won’t last. That is the part that makes me kind of happy.

True there are times when all you can do is holler. Then are the other times when you got plenty of reason to feel pretty darn good about things.

What I do wish it there were more ways to get the reasons to holler to go away and the reasons to smile get increased. I am working on it, I just haven’t got a clue how I’m going to do that completely.

Not that I’m worried about it. I heard this saying about if you play your cards right then something is bound to work out.

So I figure all I have to do is fine out where they are hiding this deck and then everything will be okay. I’m thinking of checking in Dr. Hemoglobin’s desk drawer. He seems to keep all kinds of cool junk in there. You never know what all he might keep in it.

And if that don’t work, I’ll keep thinking about it. Because the way I figure if there is even a chance I can eliminate my hollering days then it will all be worth it.

That could be really a wonderful day when I get to it. Whenever that happens to be. Like a lot of things, tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully one without any hollering.


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