Sunday, January 22, 2006


They seem to say this a lot in spooky movies. Somebody will hear a scary sound in the darkness and it always has to be dark you understand and then the person will ask, “who goes dare?”

Shoot I can’t blame them for asking it. That is sort of saying, “okay there is probably some big ugly monster lurking how there in the darkness who made that sound. And he’s just waiting to eat my face. So whose got the guts to go and check it out because it sure ain’t going to be me.”

Now the one thing you can count on in the movies is the dude who gets to go and check it out will be some sidekick. You never see the hero doing it even if he is the big hero type. Oh he’ll fight off the bad guys, but when it comes to getting your face eaten that is reserved for the nobody side kicks. They are kind expendable I guess.

I suppose that is okay if you are a hero type and happen to have a bunch of side kicks hanging around to send out to get eaten. But what if you are out of them?

See they don’t ever bother to mention that part in the movies. And let me tell you to a super hero like my buddy Otis or myself that is kind of important. Because when we got to worry about who goes dare we ain’t got any sidekicks to risk having their faces eaten. There is just us.

What is the real pits about that is when we do run into some situation where they is a griminal who might put our butts at risk we just can’t call us rent a side kick for a delivery. That might be a cool business to consider starting though. I guess you would have to be sure you provided medical insurance consider a person would probably need it a lot if you spend a great deal of time getting your face eaten.

Then it might also be tough to figure out the decent wage they should be paid. And do they get any tax breaks for ending up with their faces eaten?

That’s another pain of the movies. They don’t explain any of that junk either. See that is the sad part, they should. I mean if they did I wouldn’t have to waste time on this posting having to talk about it and could spend more time on other important issues like which way a roll of toilet paper should go on a dispenser. Yeah those are the kinds of issues that are real critical in our society I think.

But since those darn movie types don’t want to spend the time doing their jobs right then it is up to thinkers like me to do it for them. And that is what I plan on keep doing so that you folks who are kind of enough to read it will know somebody gave the subject the respect it deserved.

In the meantime I guess the main thing is with Otis and I is whenever we get into one of those situations we just toss a coin to decide who gets to be stuck being the sidekick. Well I should say Otis does all the flipping of the coin and then looks at it without showing it to me and lets me know who won. I’m still hoping one of the days I’ll have better luck because man so far he has won ever coin toss.


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