Friday, January 20, 2006


There is kinds of seeing you can have. There is the type where your eyes see what is really there. Then there is that type where you see as in understanding junk. Some call it wisdom. Like what a person called a sage knows.

I’ve always been bugged though about that terms sage. I mean I’ve heard of sage brush. It some stuff that grows out on hills and land. I’ve seen it and it sure don’t look very wise to me. Maybe that is where the sage hides to find what he calls wisdom. That’s okay to me. But I know with my luck I’d end up running into some skunk or something and that would hardly be what would make me feel wise.

Now to me the most interesting kind of seeing is where you see something that everyone else doesn’t see. Yep now that is real cool.

The big problem I have is how people get so darn picky about thinking that people who see stuff nobody else sees are crazy. How do we know that they just don’t have extra special vision?

I reckon it would be hard to get some folks to appreciate that part though. Sort of like if you are one of these people who looks at something and sees where it can be something else. Some call that kind of person a visionary. Unless you are the religious type and see churches everywhere then they call you a missionary I guess.

I just thought I would throw that in for the heck of it in case the Reverend Analbe happens to read this posting. He gets kind of grumpy if he thinks I’m writing junk and I don’t mention in every sentence somewhere about how sinning is a bad thing.

It wasn’t so bad when he didn’t know that I write this blog. But now man, he’ll get in these moods and read what I write and tell me how I left something out about God that I should have mentioned.

Talk about seeing stuff that isn’t there. Boy can he sure see stuff in what I say that I never imagined. Thank goodness that he doesn’t have time to read it every day so I don’t get a call from him constantly.

It’s too bad they don’t make better glasses for people who see stuff that isn’t there. Maybe it would help. I did try ordering a pair of those X-ray glasses once. But all that happen when I wore them was that I got a headache.

In any event I guess the one good thing in all of this is that we each are allowed to see what we want. And hopefully once and a while we honestly see what is there. Or at least are happy to see what we think are there whether anybody else likes it or not.

So good luck if you are one of those sages and especially if you hang around that sage brush a lot. For those who are visionaries, well if you happen to see some jelly beans that others don’t see let me know.

Thought for the week: "If might not be able to take it with you, but you can be darn sure nobody else gets it after you're gone!"


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