Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Do you ever say this? It happens over at STINK a lot. The guys will be sitting in the break room after a hard day of fighting grime. Then one of them will make a suggestion and somebody else will say, “sounds good.”

The thing I seldom here is somebody saying, “Man that is the worst idea I ever heard in my entire life! Or simply, that sounds bad.” About the only time somebody says something sounds bad is like if you are listening to some engine make a weird sound and just figure it ain’t a good noise.

However what I have noticed is that even though whatever was said really wasn’t good people sort of say it at STINK out of habit. I know that is true because generally when a person decides to act on the suggestion and it turns out to be a disaster you don’t hear the ever admit they thought it was a good idea or that in some way it really was their fault for not thinking it through better in the first place.

It all gets kind of silly at times. That kind of makes me snicker at times. Because it is almost like people talking just to talk even if they really don’t have anything worth saying.

The fun part generally starts though later. That’s when somebody tried whatever was said that sounds good and it failed. Man then you sure better believe the griping part is something everyone listens to completely. If for no other reason that to have something to laugh about.

Probably the toughest part is trying to keep from getting in the habit of saying “sounds good” when someone like Truly Grimy comes around. With here you can be darn sure the only thing she is going to ask about is how something she cooks will taste. And let me tell you good in no way is a word that ever fits with something she has cooked or ruined or whatever you call it.

You just got to be so darn careful that you remember that if she shows up with some kerosene flavored casserole right after you had a long conversation filled with too many ‘sound goods.’ Forget it and she might just stick a spoon full of her latest creation in your mouth without asking. Let me tell you when you stomach is burning and about to vomit saying sounds good just don’t cut it.

In any case that is part of the risk we take when talking over at STINK. We have given thought to doing something like putting a guard on the door when we are talking to warn us when Truly is coming down the hall. What we haven’t yet figured out is how to let a person stand guard that doesn’t faint the moment they smell whatever she is carrying in her arms while coming down the hall.

Oh well I guess that is another one of those things somebody will end up having a suggestion about sooner or later. And we will probably all end up saying, “sounds good.” Yep and paying for it later in Truly’s situation with plenty of antacid!


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