Sunday, January 29, 2006


I heard about this was this dude named Julius Caesar. He’s from that place where there are a lot of folks who mainly speak Italian. I think they call it Rome.

Anyway I guess this guy was real big into stuff you can either drink or eat. Like the Orange Julius, which is a cool tasting drink. And then he also came up with a salad named after him. They’re okay I suppose. Only I’m not a big fan of salads as I’m sure you know.

Well from what I hear he got real well known for this saying, which is I came, I saw, I blundered. Um, I’m not totally sure on the last part. But I know after he came to where he was going he saw whatever it was he wanted to see and then did something about it whether is was blundering or meandering or conquering. In any case whatever it was came after the seeing part that much I do know.

Apparently he didn’t exactly make too many buds in the process. He had this one names Buffus or Brut something or other than got together with a bunch of other dudes over at this place I hear they had there in Rome called the Call-a-see-em. Must have been one heck of a big phone booth that’s all I can say.

Well they all apparently figured out they wanted to shut old Julius up for one reason or another and they did managed it. Since he had proven himself with all that bragging and food fixing to be sort of a pain in the butt they decided to give him a pain in the process.

Or so the story goes. At least the way I heard it. Then afterwards everybody sent out for pizza and somebody didn’t have enough money to pay the take out guy so he said friends, Romans and countrymen lend me your cheers. You know how money makes some people so darn happy.

I guess it all worked out okay for everyone, but Julius. I never heard if afterwards whether he went back to cooking or what he did once that Brut whoever dude and the others decided to be so dang rude to him.

You know it is though. Sometimes a person does just one thing or says one thing and nobody lets you forget it.

Perhaps for old Julius that is the big deal on the blundering part. Who knows eventually he found a better way of saying cool stuff that didn’t include lots of the kinds of bragging that pisses some people off.

One of these days when I have the time I think I’ll see if I can go visit over there in Rome and find out if I can look him up at wherever he’s serving those Orange Julius. Hopefully he may have even learned his lesson about shooting his mouth off. One can hope. Course it might be a while before I try to visit. After all I’m not sure when Dr. Hemoglobin would mind letting us borrow a diaper service van for the trip. I wonder which freeway you have to take to get to Rome from the city of Mediocrity anyway? Oh I reckon my buddy Otis will be able to follow it on a map when we get one.


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