Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Oh yeah now aren’t salutes to cool things just well, cool? I don’t know, I guess some folks like when you criticize a lot. At least it seems that way when you notice how there seems to be so much more complaining going on in life instead of saying nice things.

I heard about that old saying where it says if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything that will make me bawl. Er it has something for sure about the nice part.

Anyway the whole idea is that you ought to mainly try saying good junk about things and especially people. It can be tough to always say nice stuff about things though. Like if you are talking for example about garbage. I work with it every day and I got to be honest there just isn’t much good I can say about it. Except perhaps that when you collect it the empty trash cans look so much better than when they had junk in them.

But still I’ve decided that I’m definitely going to work more on doing this from now on. I got to admit there are some things I might have to find it harder to do this with than others, but I’m going to try.

Just don’t expect me to start with the impossible. I mean the one thing that is going to take a whole lot of imagination to find something good to talk about is anything that Truly Grimy has fixed to eat. I guess the only thing I can even think off the top of my head that I might say is that at least you never worry about something she fixes ending up being spoiled. You can’t have it spoil when it already is spoiled to start with. I’ll just be sure I don’t mention that part.

Gosh I feel better just having come up with that option. So that’s one thing out of the way, sort of. Now all I got to do in terms of Truly is make sure I don’t run into her till I’ve practiced saying that part till I can do it with a straight face. Unless I can make it appear like I’m happy. Um that could be risky though. That’s because she might ask if her cooking was making me laugh. Nope there just ain’t anyway I could manage to get away trying to come up with a big enough fib to make that sound believable.

Anyway I got a start on that problem. I guess enough so I can stop thinking on that one. Which leaves me with perhaps an even bigger problem. Namely in terms of rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Now how am I going to come up with something good to say that sniveling, back stabber, cheese hording creep? Um I suppose I ought to start by not calling him rat boy. Oh I know I could call him rat dude. Er, nope that won’t work, it might remind me of rat turd.

Darn I guess that means I would have to learn not to call him rat boy at all. Okay, let me practice. Now I’m going to talk about, about, about — I CAN’T DO IT! He’s rat boy! I, ah, ah, ah — shoot. It just ain’t going to work.

So I guess that means I’ll just have to avoid him altogether till I can get over doing that. I just don’t know if I can manage that. Um I wonder if there is away to avoid him for the rest of my life? Well I suppose that is kind of hard to hope for though. Maybe I’ll just have to settle for stuffing my face with jelly beans whenever I see him in order to avoid saying something bad.


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