Monday, January 30, 2006


Boy there sure are a lot of things out there where somebody wants to tell you no if you do more than they decide is enough. You can drive for example without those guys who own the traffic signs yelling at you that there is a speed limit. Or perhaps you have been in some store where they were having a cool sale and it says something about a limit on the number of whatever you can buy that is on sale. Now I ask you is that fair?

I guess some types of limits are good things. Well at least to whoever is telling you there is a limit on it.

What I want to know is where do you go to sign up to be the person who gets to do all the deciding on this limit thing? I mean is this a job that one person alone has or does it get to be shared by a whole lot of people?

Plus do you got a boss who is like my boss and no matter what you say he wants it done differently just because he’s the boss and can tell you to do it that way? Seems like a fair question to me.

I was looking through the phone book to see if I could find somewhere that they had a company that specialized in hiring limit people. Then I figured maybe each company just has its own limit person. You know how you got things like accountants and junk at lots of places so I thought gosh maybe limits work that way too.

So I figured I would call around a few places and find out how you got a job working for them in terms of making limits. I reckoned the person had to be one that was real smart in terms of knowing the best kind of limits to set. The kind that they probably call a person with a limited intelligence.

Thus what I did was you know start calling around and asking how does a person of limited intelligence get a job with that company. Gosh you know I didn’t realize that would get some really weird remarks.

I mean I tried to make the person feel important by asking them if they happened to be a person of limited intelligence. Man that sure didn’t get any nice comments. Mainly a bunch of no’s.

That made me feel all the more like there is definitely some special super secret thing about this limit job. I bet it is so much dang fun being able to sit there and tell people how much of whatever they can or can not do.

And I can just imagine that they love doing this so much that they just don’t want to share it with anybody else the selfish rats. Well personally I’m thinking that maybe I’ll just start practicing making up signs and putting them places telling people what limit they have. Then perhaps all the limit dudes will find out how cool I am at it and give me a chance to have some fun too.

I’m thinking of starting some place public where lots of people will see it. Like perhaps the toilet. And since you always see signs with a limit one to a customer I think I’ll try posting a sign that says, “limit, only one fart per customer.” Pretty cool huh? I’ll just have to wait and see how they like it providing the take the time to check them out.


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