Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Wanting junk to me is about as usual and natural as breathing. Except for the fact that air ain’t as hard to get most of the time as other stuff you want.

I think that is why birthdays and Christmas were invented by whoever invented them. That way at least once and a while you had a reasonable chance of having the gimmies come true.

I got no idea who was the smart dude that figured that was a cool way to get the stuff you wanted, but I wouldn’t mind thanking him or her if I ever met them. However since I don’t know who the person is, I’ll just have to give them credit in this posting for being so dang thoughtful.

Now since getting presents is so much fun providing they are decent presents I thought maybe ought to think of how we could give more people cool stuff that would make them happy. Only I guess it might be kind of tough to do it for free. I mean unless we had some kind of “scouts honor” deal with everyone agree up front to give something when they got something.

What I figured that in the giving and getting department I would check with somebody who I reckoned was an expert to see if they had any good ideas to make this thing extra popular. So I went over and checked with the Reverend Analbe.

He was sure big on the giving part. Well as long as it seems to involve giving to his group. But he was sort of vague on the giving to others part. Not sure, but with him I think it had something to do with farming. He kept talking about stuff like reaping and sowing. Um I suppose the sowing means that if you spend all the time farming and doing a bunch of reaping that you’ll probably wear out your socks and pants and need to sew them.

I didn’t get for sure how it had to help with the gimmie part of my idea. But he seemed to think that if you did a lot of giving to his group then God would take care of your getting part.

I suppose that would be okay. Although since as far as I know the Lord mainly has a bunch of churches he runs and no stores it is kind of hard to figure where he is keeping all this stuff the Reverend says he’ll give you when you give to the Reverend. Maybe he’s got a catalogue you can check.

Looks like I’ll have to give this some more thought by myself though. After I suggested to the Reverend Analbe that perhaps it might be a good idea if her tried to inspire some others by starting the giving part first he suddenly got busy. I think he had something stuck in this throat since the moment I said that he got all red faced and started coughing.

Oh well, seeing how he does speak to God and all, I reckon I can appreciate how he would be extra busy at times. Maybe one of these times though I can get him to show me that catalogue with all the reaping stuff you get abundantly from the Lord after you finish sewing up whatever you need to sew from the farming stuff.


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