Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I normally don’t have much a reason to hide that often. Seeing how I’m a grimefighter and not a griminal then my job is to be out there doing the seeking, not the hiding part.

But even a super hero like myself has those occasions when I got to hide and hope no one is peeking. Mainly it happens for a couple of reasons over at STINK. The first is when Truly Grimy is looking for someone to try out her latest stomach burning experiment. Edible it normally ain’t. I will give her credit for continue to try. Nor for being smart enough to ever improve, but for trying.

I tell you hiding from Truly can be tough to. Because she always remembers the last place you tried to hide and let me tell you even at STINK we only got so many places you can stuff you butt and not be noticed.

The best deal approach seems to distract her in some way. Then while she is off doing whatever you can run the other way and hope you luck out and find somewhere she won’t trying peeking into. Sometimes though panic takes over and I get brain dead. When that happens I get stuck. I just accept my fate, go and fetch about a gallon of antacid and hope whatever she fixed doesn’t make me vomit.

Now outside of having to worry about Truly I also got to contend with old Rat Boy, Junior Hemoglobin. I know I mentioned that he’s a cheese hording jerk and that is probably his good quality. The problem is that as STINK’s Assistant Director he also gets to boss us around at times. And that is definitely a pain.

Of course most of us figure if Junior’s dad wasn’t our real boss, Dr. Hemoglobin then he wouldn’t even have the job. But we get stuck with him and I suppose he sort of figures the same about us.

The main problem with having to put up with Junior as Assistant Director is that he always ends up thinking about stupid junk for us to do. Most of the time it involves cheese in some way. While nobody will gripe about his love of cheese we do gripe that he waists our time making us do crap to help him get more cheese.

I’m talking about stuff that sometimes is just plain dumb and stupid. Like having us go into a store and try to put some fake mold on the cheese so we can claim it is bad and if they let us throw it out we won’t have to tattle to the health department. He claims us doing that is to check to be sure they are not doing anything sneaky. As if that it really part of our job.

So the bottom line is whenever we can that we know Junior is roaming the halls we do what we can to hide. The real bummer is when we are trying to hide from Junior and Truly finds us. Because when that happens we end up not only getting stuck eating her crap, but Junior almost always finds us in the process so we get the added pain of him sticking us with some other crap. Hiding ain’t fun if you can’t keep from somebody peeking and finding you when you work at STINK!


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