Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Yeah I love this. Even when something ain’t broken it is just so cool how a little glue works wonders. It leaves me with a real good feeling inside like things are perfect and secure.

I know you’re probably thinking that I’m going overboard about a little glue. And maybe you are right to a degree. However all I can say is that there sure have been plenty of cases in my situation when some glue sure made a whole lot of difference.

It is like over at STINK. Being a garbage man super hero type my eyes get to see so much stuff that has been tossed away, but might still be worth something if you used a little glue to repair it. Heck it is amazing how many times I’ll find something like a broken dish or even a chair and all you need is some glue to fix it. Ah that is providing you got something to glue to what is broke to replace what is missing.

Personally to me a whole plate is what is important and not whether the part you glued on matched the rest the broken plate. Some people can be so darn picky about junk like that. I just figure they lack what Otis calls “vision.” That is where you got something in your eye that won’t let you see possibility. I’m not quite clear what it is, but in any case you just can’t plain see decent for one reason or another.

For those people I just kind of feel sorry for them I guess. I mean they would refuse to eat of some plate that I fixed by gluing on an extra piece just because it don’t fit with the rest of the plate. And what is really annoying is when they freak out because I didn’t use some piece of porcelain. To me it ain’t a big deal if the part I added was made out of used chewing gum. At least it sticks to the rest of the plate decently and you don’t even need that much glue.

But I reckon there are some people you never will make happy no matter what you do. I got to admit that there are times when I have nearly given into the impulse to use my glue gun to glue their lips together.

I probably would too if it wasn’t for my buddy Otis. He always finds some reason to say why that isn’t a good idea.

Course that doesn’t mean I can’t still do it when he doesn’t know about it. I just say that for the benefit of anyone who might be reading this and I happen to meet someday. If you decide to make some stupid comment about my repaired dinner plates then expect me to deal with that by showing you my glue gun.

Ah that is the best part of all of this. I pretty much know how most people will just plain forget all about this. At least until they end up meeting me and making the wrong comment.

Then, well normally by the time they see my glue gun it is generally too late to do much, but keep your mouth shut. And if you don’t you can be sure when I get done you will have to keep it shut!


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