Friday, February 17, 2006


How come people always look at me funny when I say this about something. It is like I’m speaking some foreign language. Okay I have been known and times to say junk that I heard from somebody and it was well, weird. But I was still talking the same language, just saying it, er different.

Now see that is exactly what I’m talking about. It is the same in terms of words, but different in meaning. Why can’t more people understand this? It sure doesn’t seem to be that hard to me.

The big pain of all of this is when I have to sit down and explain it. Like they never get it without that explanation. Shoot sometimes they don’t even figure it out with the explanation. I tell you it sure is frustrating.

Where did this idea come that in order for something to be understood it had to make sense? That is so dang annoying. I mean I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know everything. Oh I try as hard as I can to learn, but sometimes I guess I sort of get the facts kind of confused.

But that don’t mean I don’t try like heck to explain it right. And that is why to me this whole same, but different is no big deal.

In fact to me a whole lot of stuff is the same, but different. People are the same in terms of all being people, but we are all different too. Which is probably good because if we were all exactly the same it could get real confusing. Man that sure would make for long lines at the candy store when trying to buy jelly beans.

So from my point of view this same, but different is a pretty darn good thing. You can depend on knowing some things are the same enough to know what to expect from them, but that they are also different so that it doesn’t get boring.

For me though I suppose the one thing I do wish was always the same was griminals. Oh they are all griminals, but they just keep figuring out different ways of committing grimes. It would just be so much easier if they always did the same junk. Even better if it was at the same place. That would make it so cool since I could go to the same place time and beat up the same people without having to figure out who was at fault. It sure would cut down on all those OOPS where I mistook somebody who looked guilty for somebody who really was. Er, I don’t reckon I need to say much more on that. At least till the court case is over.

Anyway, I suppose hoping that those griminals will start acting that way is probably not very likely. I imagine the cops have the same problem when dealing with their bad guys. Ah now wouldn’t it be cool if say my buddy Otis and I could say do some stuff in terms of helping the cops. I wonder if they would give us guns? I don’t need one of those night sticks though. My bat works good enough for me. Next time I see a cop I think I’ll ask him if he needs help in terms of cleaning up the bad guys. It might be a great way for something to be the same, but different.

Thought for the week: “April First is April Fool’s Day. April Fifteenth is the deadline for taxes. Does that mean we use April to celebrate being stupid about taxes?”


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