Sunday, February 19, 2006


Yeah some things are definitely worth saying again. And I do enjoy when I hear the same thing a second or third time that is something I really want to hear about. Like say when they are having the jelly bean sale at the candy store. I never get bored hearing about those.

I just wish everybody agreed on what was worth saying more than once. Let me tell you I do not want or need to hear more than once when somebody had diarrhea. In fact I don’t even need to hear about it the first time.

But try and tell that to some people. It just doesn’t work. You can do your best to ignore them, hide from them and even in some case run over them with a garbage — um, maybe I shouldn’t talk about that one seeing how there were no witnesses and — never mind.

What is really annoying is when you get stuck talking to some clown who doesn’t take any kind of hint like when you try to excuse yourself after rolling your eyes. Then the same joker if you try to leave will actually follow you so he can keep talking!

Hey, that kind of dude doesn’t even respond to something like being flat told to shut up! That is because he’s too busy talking to even hear you say shut up. Man does that get really frustrating.

In any case the once solution I’ve come up with on this is food. Yep food. All you have to do is order a couple of dozen pizza and then you can keep the person eating so they don’t have an opportunity to speak. If there is one thing I have learned to appreciate it is that with some people stuffing their face is just a cool option to talking constantly.

Of course there are the problem times when I’m a little short on money so I can’t afford to buy the pizzas. Then if I get desperate enough I have Truly Grimy make the pizza. Only I don’t tell them that I got the pizza from Truly. What I do is dig through the trash and find some old discarded box. If I’m lucky there will even be some leftover pizza in it. That is a nice plus since I had sort of figure a way to add it into the pizza Truly makes and so they guy actually thinks it is a normal pizza.

The real beauty of this whole thing is after the pizza eats enough of Truly’s pizza they always end up with a stomachache big time. Which ends up with them having to run off to the bathroom.

That always ends the conversation and any risk of hearing the person repeat crap I don’t want to hear in the first place.

I’m sure hoping passing on these little tips will help some other people. And perhaps spare you the pain of dealing with somebody that constantly says the same thing over and over. Meanwhile I have to get over to STINK’s lunchroom. I tried to tell the guys about the latest jelly bean sale, but somebody sent out for pizza and I got so busy eating to finish talking about them. I tell you I have no idea where they got those lame pizzas, but they sure made me sick. That’s um something I hope to avoid next time. But for some reason it seems lately every time I try to talk about jelly beans somebody sends out for pizza.


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