Thursday, February 23, 2006


This posting is another of my ponderings about the injustice of stuff we are supposed to remember for reasons that don’t make sense to me. In this case we are talking about a silly song dealing with someone called the old gray mare. And the song is all about here not being what she used to be.

The last I heard everybody gets old. At least that is the theory I keep hearing from old folks. Although I can’t help wondering if they didn’t talk about getting old maybe it wouldn’t happen. I know I’m working on a theory here, but I still kind of think that old is something you experience because everybody thinks you are suppose to. Make me wonder if there isn’t some kind of old people’s conspiracy done by gee, I don’t know, maybe somebody who sells junk that old people need and is looking for new customers.

There was this other saying about you are as old as you think you are. Now I can accept that. Oh it might not always look like it with some, but I do wonder for myself if this couldn’t really work. You know just stay as they say young at heart and then you won’t end up some old crabby prune of a person who doesn’t like doing cool stuff any longer.

Now how do you accomplish this? Well I’ve been thinking about that. And it seems to me that place to start is with a second childhood. Heck if there wasn’t such a thing then I reckon nobody would have mentioned it right?

That would me mean you should learn to enjoy junk you did when you were a kid. Perhaps like using toys. (Only to keep from the risk of having to beat somebody to a pulp for making fun of you for doing this, I recommend you do it when nobody is looking.)

But I think the whole second childhood could even be a time when you get to try and do something you messed up on the first time. Well except for school. There is no way I want to go through that again!

However I’m sure with a little practice everyone can figure how to make that best work for them. Then afterwards everyone can be so dang happy that they will be just doing nothing except feeling cool and young.

At which point who knows we could even retire this old gray mare thing unless we can find this mare and help her to stop feeling so old a gray. That might be nice too.

I know while we are trying to work this part out I intended to do what I can to do the second childhood thing for myself. And I’m very happy to say I’m well on my way to getting the hang of it.

In fact I just came from the candy store where I stocked up on plenty of jelly beans. Yeah regardless of my age I’ll never be too old for them. Gee I wonder if they would help the old gray mare in that song? Guess if I find her I’ll ask.


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