Wednesday, March 01, 2006


When I hear people say this I have to admit I’m not really sure they know what they are talking about. I mean they will say this when talking about how something is messed or wrong. Or else it is about how something is different than it used to be and is worse now.

Then they’ll make some comment about how it is the sign of the times. But I think they are all full of it. I know what the real sign of the times is. I’ve seen it lots of times. It is over on this bank and has a big digital clock on it that not only tells the time, but the temperature.

Only it never does anything else. Oh maybe if you were to squint or look at it after being locked up in some room without windows and inhaled too much cleaner fumes it might look like something else, but otherwise that is all you ought to see.

You have to admit that there sure is something really strange about some dude who would be driving down the street and see a sign with the time and suddenly decide it was telling him the world was falling apart. I’ve tried looking at it lots of time and I never see that anywhere.

Perhaps they get confused and look at the temperature and somehow thing it is the time. Well I reckon I can appreciate how that could be a problem. But you would think if you saw the F or C they put up with the temperature that you would know it ain’t the same as time. I mean I figure the C stand for Cold and the F has to be for Fire, which means hot.

Course I don’t want to get into what kind of moron figured that when it is 40 degrees out and your freezing your butt off and he puts an F with it somebody is going to decide you are stupid. But whoever runs that sign sure doesn’t seem to worry about that part.

In any case the way I figure if the sign bothers you so much that you can look at it without feeling the whole world is falling apart then stop looking! Heck we do have plenty of other roads in the city. And even some other signs that tell the time. Maybe one of them wouldn’t upset the person as much.

I guess with some folks they just aren’t happy unless they are complaining. So I imagine even if you could get the bank to take down that sign or maybe change it in some way the ones that want to complain would get upset buy that too.

As for me, well I just use the sign to tell me what time it is. And since we normally go by it after doing our trash route the time is generally about lunchtime. And that is one time I sure look forward to.

With the others, well they can do what they want. If seeing that sign makes them sick at their tummy that’s life I guess. For me it just makes me smile because I know lunch is just around the corner.


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