Friday, March 10, 2006


Some people might not like this word, but I do. There are just times when for me it is the only word that works.

Like when you are feeling bad. Sometimes you just feel crummy. Not completely blue and not completely yucky, just somewhere in between.

I thought it would be good to sort of give some thought to why I think this is such a cool word. For one thing it is about crumbs. Um I guess you sort of drop off the b part when you make it crummy. Maybe it would sound weird to say crumby.

Anyway for me the best thing about the times you do feel crummy and not something else is the excuse it gives you to eat something that makes crumbs. At least it works that way for me.

I personally find that donuts are about the best for crummy moods. First of all you get to demolish them. I mean you can rip them apart and leave comes all over the place. Then you get to eat them and normally they are soft so that is easy to eat.

Afterwards there comes the best part. You get a tummy full of grease, flour and sugar. So you feel kind of nauseous in a good way from the grease and the sickening sweet flour. Plus if you eat enough of them you feel so darn bloated like you have been eating a bunch of rocks.

The best part is the sugar rush. That always comes when you are feeling real sluggish from having a tummy full of grease and flour and have trouble moving. Then whammo you get this big blast of energy. It really is great and almost makes you forget the full tummy. Just enough to stop swearing to yourself you will never eat six dozen donuts next time! Which is the best part since that is what you remember when you feel crummy again and want some more donuts.

Oh I do have to admit that cookies will sort of work in a pinch. You know they aren’t bad tasting, but the problem is most of them just don’t give you the same feeling to deal with feeling crummy as donuts. At least they don’t do it that way for me.

And the best part is if you luck out and make it to the donut shop at the right time then the donuts are still nice and warm. Boy that really helps with the crummy feeling.

The hard part though is when you aren’t sure what time the donut shop is going to have the warm donuts. I know that if you show up at two am and they aren’t even open yet that it doesn’t help with the crummy feelings.

I tried to solve that problem by finding out where the guy who owns the donut shop lives. He wasn’t as much for smiling though when I knock on his door at two in the morning. Guess he was feeling crummy himself at the time. But perhaps it also comes from all the moving he does. I mean it seems like every time I find out where he lives the next time he has moved somewhere else. Apparently even though he gets to eat donuts when he wants it doesn’t cure his problems with feeling crummy huh?

Thought for the week: "How come one says 'Thank God its Friday' and not for the rest of the week? Does it mean heaven has a bad calendar?"


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