Monday, March 06, 2006


Okay now I bet you are wondering what in the world these three things have in common or why they should even be mentioned together? Well for starters we do know that both eggs and peanuts have shells. Actually I guess all nuts come in shells, but there was no way I could have fit all of them in the title. So I figured just talking about peanuts was good enough.

There is one thing you can say about eggs and peanuts it is you don’t eat the shells. So it means you have to basically destroy the shell part to get to the good part you want to eat. I reckon everyone is getting that part okay.

And even though you probably haven’t thought about it, the one thing you can say is that shells don’t collect lint. A lot of things will like clothes and carpets, but not things with shells. So if are the kind of person who has problems with lint and worry about it a lot then you can look forward to having two things not to fret over in terms of lint. That can be a pretty good thing in my book.

Of course I never let anyone read that book. I tried once, but the person I showed it took sort got sick at his stomach and mentioned how it would be dangerous to people’s mental health to have to read it. You know it is kind of shame that so many people are like that and if you show them something real smart it causes them problems, but I guess it can’t be helped.

In any event, which I think is the one they are going to broadcast on the cable pay per view channel since everything else seems to end up there, I guess what I’m getting about with this whole thing is that no matter how bad some things are sometimes they still have a good side. So in this case with egg and peanut shells they may seem to be a pain in the butt to deal with, but they do have a good side in terms of not collecting lint.

The way I figure that is the kind of thing that actually makes me smile. It sort of gives me hope when I have to deal with other things they may have a good side too.

That can be a really challenge with something like thinking about old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Talk about having a shell you think doesn’t have any value! His is made of cheese and well ain’t worth having to be around. And I don’t even care in his case if it doesn’t attract lint. He can keep it for himself is all I can say.

However like I said everything in terms of shell part of them still have some good side. It might take a while to sort through with Junior what the good part is. To be honest I’m still working on it.

While I am I decided to treat myself to a few eggs and peanuts to give me some inspiration. But to make it easy I went to the store and bought peanut butter since it was easier to deal with than regular peanuts. I haven’t tried it on eggs yet. However it does seem to go well with a lot of things so it is worth a try. Maybe I can even end up making it shaped to look like a Junior omelet?


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