Tuesday, March 07, 2006


What I want to know is how we say cheer up and never cheer down? It just seems like I know too many people that are so much better at complaining than making you feel good. So cheering up is hardly their specialty.

I don’t really mind when somebody gets pissed about something. I do my share of griping at times. But I also like to say a few nice things too. You know to try and balance it out in some way.

However the one thing is that I never sit down and claim I’m trying to cheer somebody up when I’m griping. I know the difference and I bet you do to. Heck I think most people do.

So how come if folks got that part figured out they get so daffy about thinking griping is a way of making you feel better? Believe me I see that far too much.

Like over a STINK. Most of the guys I work with are okay. They may gripe from time to time, but they also enjoy saying some good once and a while.

All except for old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Now I should be far as say he doesn’t necessarily concentrate on complaining so much or criticizing people all the time. His way of not cheery you up is to give you more work to do.

What happens is that you’ll be sitting and savory some real cool victory over the bad guys and in a mood to celebrate. So you are ready to be cheered up since you are already cheery. Well instead of being happy about it or telling you did good what he does he say something really annoying like, “Now that you are done with that, why don’t you do…” And it doesn’t matter what it is that he’s telling you to do you can be darn sure it won’t be fun.

So pretty much Junior is the one guy we do try to avoid when we are in a mood to be cheered up. That is unless we can figure a way to give him a headache like hiding his cheese. Then that makes the rest of us all happy and ready to cheer up.

At least with Junior we don’t have to see him everyday. For him to hang around STINK all the time might mean he would end up getting stuck doing some work beside sitting in his office eating cheese with his feet up on his desk. Oh I imagine we would all be happy to see him get stuck doing some lame chores. But that doesn’t happen as a rule.

And when he isn’t around the rest of us manage to find time for a few smiles. Even if it does require using those darts and the dart board that has Junior’s picture on it with a bull’s eye!

Now I just hope that the rest of you all have found some cool way to cheer up when you need to. Also that if you do have a jerk like rat boy in your life that you manage to finda smile despite of him.


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