Thursday, March 09, 2006


Oh man I just hate the word fickle when it happens at STINK. That’s because it is when our boss Dr. Hemoglobin suddenly goes kind of crazy about money. Then when it happens you can be darn sure we are going to get lectured about wasting money and he’ll get all bothered about preaching how important it is to count every single nickel like it was the most important thing in the world.

And that ends up putting the rest of us in a pickle. I’m speaking of making our lives so darn miserable. That’s because he expects us to start filling out all kinds of reports regarding expenses. Which can be a pain since I have no way to figure what the depreciation is on a bat that I use to whack some griminal.

Does that keep Dr. Hemoglobin from being fickle about a nickel? Nope! I mean one minute he is just so happy and talking about being you know nearly generous. Why we can even send out for pizza or something and he just seems to be in such a good mood.

Then I don’t know he’ll get a bill for something and whammo all of a sudden everything is about waste. Afterwards come all the questions and the talking about things like how everything costs too much. But worst of all is the fact he ends up in a bad mood. It is as if talking about money and worrying about it makes him unhappy all the time.

Which of course ends up with all of us in one big pickle and it sure ain’t fun. Just a big pain in the rear end and that sure isn’t a time for smiles.

The one thing I can say for sure is that during these times I’m sure glad to have Otis as my buddy. He just seems to have this great knack for getting our leader out of his fickle mood. Sometimes that isn’t very easy either.

What he seems to do is to start by letting Dr. Hemoglobin do lots of ranting and raving about waste and nickels. Why shoot sometimes our leader gets so dang excited that he just practically babbles incoherently over the subject.

Then Otis does what he calls appeasing him. That is when he lets all those comments Dr. Hemoglobin seems to exaggerate about sound like they are reasonable. Afterwards he offers a plan. Which is his way of adding more words to all the ones our boss is rambling about.

Later our boss seems to calm down. And then he sort of relaxes and before you know it he ain’t griping about waste as much, which is really great for us.

Funny thing to me is the fact that along the way we don’t ever actually end up finding any of those nickels our boss says are being wasted. Which don’t bother me too much as long as we don’t end up in any chore pickles. That is the best part from my point of view and it is enough at times in between when our boss thinks being fickle is the best way to think about a nicke.


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