Saturday, March 25, 2006


Okay the rule I’ve learned is that if you spill something no matter if it is hot or cold, you’ll probably get chilled by the response of others. That is extra true if you spill on them.

Hey if it was an accident it doesn’t mean you are a ogre or monster. Maybe accident prone, but that doesn’t make you an evil dude.

Like the other day, I was holding this cup and my hands were kind of slippery. Well I ended up losing control and dropping it. As luck would have it there was a guy who happened to be sitting where the cup fell and it spilled on him. Boy did he get mad and chilled towards like me.

I didn’t do it on purpose, but he sure acted like I did. Got all pissed off and in my face and wanted to beat me to a pulp I reckon. He might even have tried if what I spilled hadn’t been on his head. It got into his eyes so he couldn’t see when he got up and started yelling and screaming. Swinging at the air was probably good practice for him.

Anyway I didn’t hang around to hear what else he said. I figured he wasn’t going to get calmed down that soon.

I’m sure he was a decent enough guy normally. I reckon spilled a glass of drain cleaner on him was reason enough for him to get a little crazy.

The good news was that at least with him not being able to see he didn’t have a chance to notice how that green cleaner had sort of stained his white shirt. I hope it will come clean eventually.

I try to learn from these moments. First I learned that if I plug up a toilet at a fast food restaurant it probably isn’t a good idea to try and fix it myself. Even if I did keep some drain cleaner in my moped just for occasions. The second thing I learned was to never try to carry it in some slippery cup, especially if I’m anywhere near where there is a big ugly mean dude sitting having lunch.

Thirdly and probably most important I learned that even if you say I’m sorry, it probably won’t do much good while the person is yelling and screaming. So at least I hope I learned from that little experience. Next time I’ll use a plunger instead. I guess I better fix the handle part though first. The section that got broke off and left is with a real sharp point. I can imagine OOPS wouldn’t cover if I slipped and stabbed some guy through the heart with it huh?


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