Tuesday, March 21, 2006


There are times when I have to say good-bye and it really tough. But my buddy, Otis, never ends up giving me an option. So off to the old trash bin go things like my old sneakers that he says I need to get rid of.

If it were up to me I’d keep them. Just because they got holes in the bottoms doesn’t mean they aren’t comfortable. I treat the holes as a form of air conditioning. As long as I don’t wear them on a rainy day or step in any puddle they do me find.

However, every once and awhile my buddy gets into this out with the old and in with the new attitude. That always ends up meaning some pair of sneakers or underwear will end up in the trash bin.

About the only good part is knowing it means we will end up going shopping for new stuff. Which can be okay providing I can steer my buddy towards the candy store in the process.

I generally try that by acting real depressed over having to part with my old stuff. Then I always make sure I look extra sad when I am shopping. If I do it right then I manage to get him to take me to the candy store for a jelly bean feast.

Yeah I know it is kind of silly I guess. But hey, nobody said life was silly at times. So that is how I cope. And the jelly beans don’t hurt either.

My main gripe I suppose is that Otis always ends up making my closet and drawers the big deal in terms of tossing things out. I don’t notice him going into his room and doing the same.

I will admit he doesn’t seem to have as much interest in holding onto old stuff like I do. To me it just never hurts to save some stuff when you might need it down the road. Who can really say when some empty candy wrapper could come in handy for something like putting out a fire. You say you don’t buy that one. Yeah, Otis didn’t either.

Still I do what I can to hope that the next time he is in one of these “gone with the bin” moods he’ll forget the last time and cut me some slack on the candy wrapper thing. Perhaps if I managed to say be sure that the candy was still in the wrapper that would help? Hmmm, it might be worth a try. At least with candy it don’t spoil. So maybe I’ll go to the candy store and stock up on a few Otis’ bribes.

I bet that will work a lot better than when it tried it with fruit. There is just something less than helpful about handing him some black, mushy banana. It just doesn’t quite do it.

Neither does trying it with bread that has gotten all hairy and green in color. My buddy likes color, but not on his bread.

That is a problem for later though. We already had our gone with the bin mood for this month.


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