Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well the way I figure if somebody can go around saying stuff like “dollars to donuts” then we ought to have a cheaper option for when we are broke. I mean if you ain’t got a buck and only ten cents you sure aren’t going to get any donuts. So this saying is for the broke folks who can’t afford to bet dollars to donuts.

Of course the thing is when I’ve ever heard somebody say that anyway I haven’t notice them with dollars either. Come to think of it I haven’t noticed them ending up with donuts too.

So maybe there are more people who would be better off concentrating on dimes and grapes that they could afford. Maybe inflation has something to do with it? Could be. I mean if you get a swell head like from having too much water go up your nose till your brain swells then you can get one of those inflated egos.

Not sure how that works exactly, but I think it has something to do with making people go crazy and start messing with prices. Because apparently from the way I hear it you know when a person gets that kind of problem they start doing weird junk. And let me tell you there is nothing weirder than messing around with increasing prices.

Somehow I know that involves using some kind of pump too. That’s because I always here them talking about the price at the pumps going up.

What I don’t get is if these people only have a dime to start with where did the get the money to buy a pump? You got to wonder how that works.

I know perhaps they swapped the grapes they bought with the dimes for a pump. Although I would sort of think anybody who would trade a cool pump from some grapes definitely needs some kind of help.

Well as my buddy Otis might say it will all come out in the wash. I reckon that is a coin operated Laundromat somewhere that uses the dimes when people are broke. He never gets around though to mentioning where you find the Laundromat.

Still I reckon it might be near a donut shop. You know in case you luck out while doing the wash and find some loose change in the washer. It hasn’t happen to me, but there is always a first time.

Meanwhile I guess I’ll give grapes and dimes a lot more thought as time goes. Probably I’ll do it when I have the dollar to buy some donuts. No sense betting though. I always think better on full stomach.

Not sure if it works that way for everyone though. I might have to ask the person buying grapes with dimes to see if that works for them too. Until then I reckon it will be business or donuts as usual. That is unless you have a machine that changes dollars into coins. Then who knows.


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