Thursday, March 30, 2006


Can I get a boo and hiss for foggy days? Well foggy mornings at least. I tell you if there is one thing I’ll never get it is why we need fog?

Did God have some reason in mind and just plain forgot to tell us? I do wonder at times. After all it is real tough for me to see much good that comes from when the fog gets so thick you can’t see and can’t risk driving.

Course being that my other name is “Smog Boy” and I sort of thrive on pollution I can hardly gripe about smog can I? However with smog the nice thing is that most of the time it doesn’t make things so you can’t see at all. Plus we can pretty much make smog anytime we want.

Why shoot there are some business that make so much smog with those factories spewing it out regularly that they must really figure it is cool. Works for me. I know some people might gripe about it, but not me. There is nothing outside of jelly beans that jazzes me more than a nice big blast of smog when I’m feeling kind of down.

Still that doesn’t mean I don’t like sunshine. It is a good thing too. Only I don’t know, with the sun you just sort of can do much, but enjoy it. It isn’t like you can do much to make the sun come out when you want. It is kind of fickle about that.

That is what bugs me about the weather people on television at times. Oh they talk about the sun like they are good buds, but you know how many times those dudes get stuff wrong. I tell you it really sucks when they talk about tomorrow being clear skies and it ain’t. And what’s up with the fair deal? I mean how the heck can they say if you are going to get treated fair tomorrow? Do they own some fair meter thing they can do some predicting with or something?

All I know is that by the time I get through with some days with or with the sun they sure don’t seem fair to me. I’d sure like to have those stupid weather folks get their act together better.

Oh well it is sort of like that famous train writer said I guess. His name was Mark Train I believe. He said something about how everyone complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about spit. Not sure how that figures in except that when you get a day that ain’t fair and you think it should have been it makes you want to spit from getting mad. At least it does for me.

Anyway, I’m still going to work on seeing if there is a way to improve the sun coming out when I want it to. Maybe I’ll get a supply of sun visors or something. Yeah that might help. You never know when have better vision will help you see the sun more. Personally I wouldn’t have thought it would have been that hard to find, but you never know about some people. If it helps them see the sun, which ought to be really hard to miss in the first place then I guess that is fair. So hopefully that will happen on one of those days when those silly weather dudes say it is supposed to be fair too.


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