Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I hate to say much bad about my favorite bud, Otis, but I got to admit I never am sure when he’s telling me stuff that is straight and when he’s just fooling. I would have thought that I would have that all figured out better by now. However I still have those moments that he really leaves me wondering.

Take the other day when we went grocery shopping. He always has these coupons for discounts on stuff. But some of the junk is stuff we would never used as far as I’m concerned. Like for cat litter. I mean my pet cat Spam never has any problems with knowing how to go to the bathroom without making a mess. I do wish he would do more than just purr at times. And then sometimes he stops doing that. Afterwards Otis has to go and get batteries for some reason. Then the next thing I know Spam is doing okay again and purring like before.

Anyway the thing is Spam never seems to mess up his litter box. In fact I’ve never even seen him use it. Not even once. Well of course Spam spends all his time just standing still so I guess you can expect him to use the litter box that often. Plus I wish he would eat something other than Spam. And he only seems to eat a lot of that when Otis is around.

Oh well, the thing was here we were in the store and Otis was getting ready to buy some more cat litter. I thought it was pretty dumb. But Otis claimed that he was going to use it for the yard when there was a hole because it was a cheap form of dirt. Personally I thought he was making that part up. I mean that just seemed so silly to me. The idea of filling up a hole in the ground on in our backyard just didn’t make much sense to me.

But that is what he claimed. When we got home he did it too. I tell you with him he when he decides to carry a joke all the way through he doesn’t mess around. I’m still waiting for him to dig up that cat litter and tell me he was fooling after all.

Course there are a few times when I do know that he is fooling for sure. I mean like the time he was telling me how professional wrestler wasn’t real. Man he expected me to buy that one?

I just sat and listened, but never believed a word of it. I don’t know why he felt like poking fun at that sport. But I’m sure I’ll take care of getting him fess up that he was fooling.

See I happened to find an email address for this one professional wrestler. So I wrote him and told him all how Otis said he was a fake. And I even got a nice letter from the guy. He said he was going to come to town and pay Otis a visit and show him a few moves.

Gosh I hope my buddy appreciates knowing I got a hold of that guy. I can’t wait till the man shows up. I’m sure Otis will sure remember that meeting. And I bet that will end any more fooling on his part about wrestling.


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