Thursday, April 06, 2006


Is there anything better than good luck? At least as long as it brings you cool stuff. See good luck could be things like having a flat tire in front of a tire store. Now that would be great. Only it wouldn’t be quite as much fun for good luck a say winning a drawing where you get a life time supply of jelly beans. That would be the best kind of good luck in my book.

What I wish was that there was a way too be sure you got good luck more often. I given it some thought and so far I haven’t figured out where you can like order a genie in a bottle. Maybe even on of those Aladdin’s Lamps. I had a lamp that belong to my buddy Otis once, but rubbing it only gave me a sore palm. Plus it was one of those Lava lamps. So I guess even if I could have gotten it to work all I would have ended up with is lava. That would hardly of been my idea of good luck.

One thing I did do was try to figure ways of keeping up a good attitude about this. So I took up eating that cereal with the word lucky in the title. It hasn’t improved my luck so far, but at least it doesn’t taste too bad for breakfast.

What I’m currently working on is a way to perhaps improve my chances of getting lucky by having my things that are associated with luck. Things like four leaf clovers, horse shoes and rabbit’s foots.

The four leaf clovers aren’t that hard to find, but it is kind of tough to get a hold of too many horseshoes. I don’t even know a shoe store for horses so that has definitely been a problem.

As for the rabbit’s foot, well heck that isn’t easy either. Those darn rabbits are hard to catch even if you can locate them.

I’m thinking if and when I do find a horse who doesn’t mind giving up a shoe that I’ll see if I can get him to eat some four leave clovers first. That way maybe it will double my chances at some good luck.

Not sure how I’ll figure a rabbit’s foot in all of that. Maybe I can put the rabbit in the horseshoe. I’m sure they would be big enough to hold a rabbit.

The one other thing I guess is in order to be lucky you have to feel lucky. That part I’m having to give some thought. But I think it will have to involve the police.

At least if I can trust to those cop movies. The one with that dude called Dirty Hair-knee. He was a real big one for luck. I must have heard him ask a whole bunch of times, “Do you feel lucky, skunk?”

Gosh I sure hope that doesn’t mean I got to end up in some way smelling like some skunk in order to feel lucky. I mean finding a rabbit is tough enough. I don’t want to have to go hunting for a skunk too.


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