Monday, April 10, 2006


Okay who is this golly person that needs credit for the by part. And what by is that anyway? I have no idea myself.

It does cheese me off a bit when somebody I’ve never heard of gets so dang famous to have their named bantered around like they were your best friend. Is that really fair to those of us who are say super heroes and don’t get any credit?

Still I guess it wouldn’t work to say something like By Philo and have it make any sense to somebody else. Maybe I could work on it, but then I reckon I would have to worry about somebody saying by Philo and it end up getting me blamed for whatever.

So I suppose as they say fame does have a price. And if it is more than ten dollars then I’m out of luck since you know it is between pay days for me. Plus when it does come I get kind of tight on spending money because it always seems to come around the time they are having sales at the candy store.

I reckon this golly person doesn’t have that problem I suppose. It must be nice to have the kind of high paying job where you can afford the price of fame.

Although, I do have to admit that it bugs the heck out of me when you know that perhaps only some rich dude can pay what it cost to get famous. I wonder if there is a bank that will give you a loan for that purpose?

Maybe it would be a good investment? Yeah providing I could figure out how the fame part would end up making me some money?

I reckon I could charge for things like beating up griminals or something? It does seem like a challenge though. I mean it just doesn’t appear to me that if I went to beating some griminal senseless for committing grimes that he would be willing to pay me for the effort?

Perhaps there is a secret to it that I haven’t been told about yet? Yeah, by golly — darn, there I go even doing that. Boy I sure hope this golly person doesn’t find out. I sure don’t want to get a bill for saying that. Well, if nobody blabs then perhaps that golly person won’t come knocking on my door and demanding some bucks.

I imagine that is another of those things they call mysteries that I will need time to figure out. I’ll have to add it to the other stuff I’ve heard people say that I still need time to totally understand.

In time though I’ll have them all understood that’s for sure. And right after I finish with this by golly business I’m starting on that saying “good-bye drool world.” I sure don’t want to visit that world and I can’t blame anyone for saying good-bye. All I want to know is where do I go to get a map to make sure I never stop there by accident. There are some things you just never want to do like being somewhere that they drool constantly.


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