Sunday, April 09, 2006


I heard this as part of some song. Well, I guess you call it singing. They call it “wrap” music. Only it seems mainly to be talking and not singing to me. I suppose the wrap part for me is because trying to listen to it makes me want to wrap my ears with my hands.

Being that I’m a writer and understand what is called the “artistic” soul, I sure don’t want to gripe about anything people do that is considered “artistic.” That includes this wrap music stuff.

As for that song where they talk about “can’t touch this” that makes sense since the dude probably is spending his time with his hands over his ears from that wrap stuff. You sure can’t touch anything if you keep your hands on your ears can you?

I do wonder though if this is sort of like complaining and being upset about something where you screwed something up. I mean if it was your fault then you can’t be pissed at somebody else can you? People still do it though.

So I was thinking that perhaps if this dude singing this “can’t touch this” song or whatever you want to call it stopped singing he wouldn’t have to hold his ears. Then he could touch whatever.

Course the problem would be that then he wouldn’t have anything to sing about I guess. That sort of would make that whole song kind of pointless wouldn’t it? But then if he could touch crap he wouldn’t need to sing about it either.

Gee I wonder if the guy singing that song has thought of any of those things? I kind of doubt it or perhaps he wouldn’t be still singing that song. Well, that is the artistic soul for you. Sometimes I get it sort of clogs your brain in some way.

I don’t know, I think I’ll have to work on studying this whole wrap music thing a bit farther before I understand it completely. Although I’m not that fond of just keeping my hands on my ears all the time.

Maybe I could wrap my ears with something else? Yeah that might work. I see some of those wrap music dudes wearing those ski cap type of hats on their heads. So perhaps they cover their ears do they don’t have to tie up their hands.

Gee, I wonder if one of those caps will fit under my beanie? I don’t mind learning more about wrap music, but I sure don’t want to mess with wearing my beanie.

About the only good thing I can say out of all of this is that if that guy is talking about not being able to touch things, then I bet he gets to eat many jelly beans. Which for me is good news since it means less competition. On second thought perhaps I should not do anything to let these wrap dudes touch stuff. No reason to risk having another hand reaching for the jelly beans.


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