Thursday, April 20, 2006


I heard them talking about the “plot” thickening in this movie about murder and a cop and this really bad guy. There was all this planning going on and from best as I could figure the whole purpose of the planning was so the bad guy could bump off this other guy and make sure he ended up in a cemetery plot. How you thicken a cemetery plot, I’m not sure. Maybe you use a different type of grass or something. But I still don’t figure how that would be a good thing, except perhaps if you liked making life miserable for the poor cemetery worker who had to take care of that grass.

All I know is in this movie whenever the bad guy had some new idea or plan it had to do with the plot thickening. Which sure seemed like it wasn’t very impressive as far as I’m concerned. It all made it sort of slim in terms of being thick you know what I mean. Heck I’m not sure I understood it well enough myself.

Anyway with this thickening stuff I did get the impression the bad guy thought it was a good thing. As for the detective dude, he seemed to treat it as pain in the butt.

I’ve been giving this thickening thing some thought and the one idea that comes to mind is I wonder if it is like when you want to make gravy thicker. Well that is the only thing I could think of you sort of need to thicken on purpose. Oh I know how sour milk can be thicker that regular milk, but who wants that, YUCK!

I went back and watched that movie again and didn’t see any flour anywhere. So then I figured if the plot was what was going to be thicken then probably they had the dude working at the cemetery using it.

Not wishing to be careless in checking out the facts I decided I would call up the local cemetery and find out if they had any special rules about plot thickenings? You know like do they charge by the amount that has to be thickened? And do they have some kind of test to determine if you have a valid reason for needing to have a plot thicken. Maybe you got to take a bad guy test to be sure. Only I don’t know why the cemetery dude would want to mess with some bad guy.

Which makes me think the bad guy probably lies about being a bad guy and gives some lame excuse to see if he can get the cemetery dude to do this thickening thing. That’s when I decided it was best to call them direct to find out.

Well the first person listened while I explained about the gravy thing, bad guys and plot thickenings. She listened and then put my on hold for a while.

Afterwards she had me talk to this guy who must be in charge of telling people the location in a cemetery of a given funeral. She called him the funeral director. So I was explaining to him all about my question and he did listen. When I got done though he didn’t really help answer my question much. He seemed to think that I might benefit from talking to a doctor. But I don’t think going to see the guy who helps me when I have a cold would explain the thickening problem. So it is still pretty slim thickening too me.


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