Sunday, April 16, 2006


Does this sound stupid to you? I mean who would say something like keep up the bad work? Well not if they were smart. So it just seems kind of dumb to even say it.

After all if a person is doing good work then aren’t they likely to keep it up anyway whether you say something or not? It just seems to make sense that’s all.

Nope, what we need is a way to get the jerks to stop keeping up the bad work! Maybe like stop goofing off or I’ll bash your brains in!

Yeah, I like that part! I just wish that my pal Otis would see it that way when I get pissed because some lazy butt over at STINK isn’t pulling his own weight around the place. I want to reason with him by giving him a few lessons with my bat, Otis just wants to bore them with his talking and giving them a lecture. Frankly I think sometimes they get off their buns and start moving just to shut him up.

Well that is one of those stupid and annoying problems that ain’t going to go away any time soon! I wish it could be otherwise. But it don’t work that way.

What I also wish is that you know there was a way of sort of discouraging folks and keeping them from doing such good work when it is really not a good thing. Like if I have to deal with a real nasty griminal who is real good at being bad. I sure don’t want to give them any inspiration that will encourage them that’s for sure.

The thing is I like to be consisted with this thing and appreciate how my goal is to make the person change what they are doing. If they are fat and lazy then I want to clobber them till the get the message to change. If they are mean and nasty and too darn good at being bad then I want to clobber them to make them stop doing that and also change. Basically to me clobbering is a great way of making them change.

But like I said Otis doesn’t see it that way. He believes in what he calls reforming people. That has to do with making them want to do things different and figuring a creative way of having to tell them keep up the good work even if you mean, stop being such a lazy jerk.

I don’t imagine Otis will ever change in deciding the cool thing to do is to talk to them to death. Man you can believe me when I never tell him keep up the good work on that part. It doesn’t matter believe you, me because boy he sure ain’t going to change for anybody.

So we just end up stumbling out way around on this good work business. I let him ramble and talk to each person as much as he wants. Then when he isn’t looking I normally get me bat and do what I can to make sure they understand the message real loud and clear. Sometimes they even manage to regain consciousness too before Otis starts talking to them again. And when they don’t that is okay too since my buddy just assumes that their silence means they are listening. I don’t bore him with explaining either!


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