Thursday, April 27, 2006


Oooh, the joy, the rapture, so glorious and wonderful is that feeling when you are free of your burdens and woes to relax and savor a single, simple succulent breath. Hmmm, let me see if I wrote that down correctly. I saw it written in the bathroom over at the library and it sounded pretty cool so I figured it was worth tossing in to this posting.

Don’t ask me what it means because I have no idea. But I just thought if you want stuff that makes you feel good and comfy does that then by golly some nice words can’t hurt. Besides it sort of reminds of how my buddy Otis talks after he’s had like three Spam sandwiches and a gallon off root beer, plus chips and potato salad of course. Shoot man while he’s sitting there feeling no pain and gobbling down a few brownies for desert he’ll start doing what he calls “waxing elephantly or eloquently or something along those lines.”

Sometimes he also calls it “pontificating,” which sure don’t sound any different than that other thing. Course the thing is to me with the wax one I still have never seen him come out with any wax or the elephant he’s supposed to wax. Which to me is too bad because if you are going to wax an elephant that might be really worth seeing.

In any case with my buddy comfy always ends up being something you have to talk about and always for a long time. That might be okay I guess if I always understood what the heck he was saying, but there a lot of time I don’t. So I basically end up being comfy by falling to sleep when he starts yapping too much.

As for me, well shoot, I know how to be comfy without even a need to blab to anyone. I just sit back and put on my cute and fuzzy slippers after I put on my pajamas and then have some hot chocolate while watching a cool movie. Oh I do have a snack with that though. Nothing much. Just for or five sandwiches, six or seven dozen cookies, some brownies, a half a gallon of ice cream and maybe three big bags of jelly beans. Course I always avoid going crazy and having too much to eat since that would spoil my appetite for dinner.

The only thing I do have to watch out for is when Otis decides I can’t be comfy unless he’s there too. The only chance I can let that turn into something really comfy is by making sure I give him plenty of snacks so he doesn’t have the time to talk.

Sometimes it works more than others. If I’m really lucky and stuff him enough he will end up falling asleep. Then I really get a chance to be comfy.

Well that is providing that he don’t ruin it by snoring too loud. Then it becomes tough because I have to decide, which is worse, listening to his snorting or talking.

Now whatever you do, don’t let Otis know that there have been a few times that I have well sort of used a pillow to stuff in his mouth to keep his snoring more tolerable when I didn’t want a lecture. The big trick to that though is making sure I don’t pick a pillow that is broke. Because I know he won’t but into the idea that a deranged bird flew into the house and he swallowed it the next time I use a pillow.


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