Sunday, April 30, 2006


There are some things in life to me that you just never do. I don’t care what excuse you want to give in those situations you just don’t do it, period!

One of those for me has to do with donuts for breakfast. Well I should say donuts in general. That might seem like a weird comment about something like a donut, but you know to me eating donuts is more than just eating it is an event.

For me it is because I don’t get donuts any time I want. We normally only get them on special occasions. At home that is when my buddy, Otis, gets in this mood to have what he calls something special. So boy do I look forward to a few dozen warm donuts that are still dripping with grease. They are so incredible and give you a full feeling like nothing else.

Course if you get to eat enough of them then you mouth gets that wonderfully sickening sweet taste from too much glaze and grease. So you have wash down your donuts with a gallon or two of milk or if that doesn’t work you have to try a whole lot of hot chocolate. That really seems to do the trick to me.

Over at STINK having donuts is generally a special treat too. We have them whenever we are going to have a big meeting. Our boss Dr. Hemoglobin orders up a big batch of them.

The big pain though is normally we don’t get a chance to eat the donuts till after he gets through giving his speech. Like I or anybody is going to really think about what he says instead of thinking about all those nice tasty donuts waiting for us to eat.

Which is the part I hate the most. Because first you have to worry about whether somebody is going to sneak over to the donuts while you are sitting there and end up grabbing all the good ones. There is nothing more heartbreaking than going over to hope to pick out some luscious jelly filled or chocolate bar or even a apple fritter and all that is left is some stupid cake donut. Why do they call it a cake donut when it doesn’t look or taste like a cake? I don’t know, but all I do know is when you sit there hoping to sink your teeth into a nice tasty jelly filled and get stuck with a cake donut it just ain’t the same.

Beyond that heartache though the other thing that really bugs me is having to wait for our boss to stop talking. I keep hoping he doesn’t talk so long that the donuts get cold. Don’t get me wrong, that won’t keep me from eating them, but it just loses part of the joy when they could have been enjoyed while still warm.

I wish there was a way to get our boss to appreciate that at times. But then he kind of thinks talking is more important than donuts. Man is that a crazy idea or what? I do wonder about how anybody can have such strange ideas. He might be smart and all in some ways, but when it comes to junk like donuts I do have to say he leave me wondering just how smart he is. Guess when it comes to donuts and his talking I’ll never know for sure.


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