Sunday, May 07, 2006


Now there are discounts and then there are discounts. Some of them to me are really a lot more important than others.

Like for me a discount on jelly beans is the ultimate. Whereas a discount on something like Spam is no big deal. Only you can be darn sure I’m not going to tell my buddy, Otis, that considering how he is bonkers over Spam.

But that is just one thing. There are others too. Some are okay, others nothing I worry about. I wish I could say the thing for Otis.

Now he is a cool guy in many ways, but he is really a discount junkie. I mean if he sees the word on some coupon he goes totally insane about it being a bargain. Then he gets all excited and decides we better save the money to get whatever it is on sale regardless of whether we will ever get a chance to use it.

Which from my view is kind of nuts. I can’t think of the number of times he has seen something on discount and drags my butt down to wherever just so I can help carry it home.

That sure puts a smile on his face even though to me it is dumb and stupid. I just kind of get bored with the whole idea.

But you sure can’t tell my buddy that. He just keeps rambling on about how he’s saving money. He talks about how you have spend money to make money. I always wondered what happened if you didn’t spend the money in the first place? Does it go bad or something if you miss some bargain?

It sure seems that way too me as far as Otis goes. But I sort of doubt it will do any good to bother to try and get my buddy to appreciate that part.

That is why I sort of hate when we get the Sunday paper. Because it is the one that always has the most discounts in it. Shoot I’m sorry, but when he gets all excited about the tire store having a sale on say snow tires and we don’t live anywhere near the snow it just don’t seem like a big deal. Heck we only got a moped and that sure don’t need snow tires.

Guess some things will never change though. It is just something I do my best to cope with as far as my buddy goes.

Meanwhile, I’m working on a way to figure out I can get more jelly bean discount coupons. I’m sure if my buddy Otis just sees the word discount that will be enough. I’ve been practicing, but so far writing the word jelly bean on a coupon in crayon that is a coupon for detergent didn’t seem to fool him. I’ll keep practicing though. You know it will be one of those things if I succeed my tummy will appreciate it the most. And you can’t complain when that happens.


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