Sunday, May 07, 2006


You would think that a take away would something you wanted to get rid of. It doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable any more, just that you don’t need it for some reason.

As garbage man it sort of shocks me at times who many perfectly good things end up in the trash. I mean just because a chair is lacking a leg doesn’t make it worthless. You just have to learn out to be more careful how you sit on it. But some people don’t look at it that way.

For me though it sometimes ended up such a joy when I find all those little treasures in the garbage. I take them home and try to get them ready for adoption. It has been a little difficult at times getting people to see the stuff as having as much potential as I see it, but I keep trying.

Once and a while though it does give me a real warm spot in my tummy to find out I made somebody happy in that regard. It is true that most of the time it ends up being Granny Potts. She always seems to appreciate when I bring her something I’ve found.

Course she doesn’t see too good or hear that well either, but the important thing is that she does get happy when I drop it off. I suppose it doesn’t matter too much when she things that old rusty can I brought her is a vase or that three legged chair is say a bookshelf or actually thinks it is her friend either.

It is just nice to take something that was a take away and not make it a take away any longer. I’m cool with that.

About the only thing that bugs me the most with this idea is when stuff gets taken away that you don’t want to get rid of. I’m talking of how the government just up and takes away part of your pay check without even asking. Now that ain’t cool.

How do they know I wanted to get rid of that money anyway? It wasn’t any of them called me and asked. Nor did they ask me to vote on it.

Believe me I can hardly imagine wanting people to just take away what money I do get. Now if they want to come and take away stuff I really want to have taken away that would be nice.

But with my luck I reckon that would end up in them charging me for picking the stuff up and then they would probably get so used to doing it that they would tell me I couldn’t even get paid for picking up garbage any longer. That wouldn’t be fun.

So I guess I’m stuck just doing what I can to find those treasures and let the darn government keep acting weird taking away stuff that don’t really need to be taken away. You just can please some people no matter how hard you try. I know because I’ve tried enough and there are just too many folks who don’t like three legged chairs.


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