Friday, May 19, 2006


My buddy, Otis, always tells me that there are greater tragedies in the world whenever I start pissing and moaning over something that really bugs me. Well let me tell you when he’s bugged about something and I talk about there being greater tragedies he sure don’t want to hear about it.

What kind of annoys me is how come the size of a tragedy should matter in the first place? I mean if it is a tragedy ain’t that enough? Is sure seems like it would be that way to me.

I will admit that you know a tragedy for one person ain’t the same as it is for somebody else. For me a tragedy can be as simple as going to the candy store and finding out they don’t have any jelly beans in stock. Or say if I misplace my last stash of jelly beans. Now that really is a tragedy for me.

But the rest of the world would hardly get all excited if that happens I reckon. At least I doubt it will happen in a way that they will put it on the news.

I do wonder about those news people too at times. I mean how come they get to pick what qualifies as a tragedy any way?

Plus it kind of annoys me too that you can’t always be sure the tragedy took place. Not that I’m saying when they talk about a plane crash that they are making up, but if I can’t go there and visit, how do I know for sure it really happen?

It did make me wonder whether or not they would have say some pictures on film and if they say run out of tragedies for a given program they just dig out the old film. Hey I didn’t say they did it, just a thought.

However, I guess that won’t matter anyway in terms of fixing any tragedy. It would be nice if it was as easy to fix a tragedy as create one.

I wonder if you could have a list of news items called greater fix-it moments. But then I can’t say if anyone would listen. I think I would.

In the meantime, I think I’m going to write to the news people and see if I can suggest a few stories they don’t give a lot of attention. Say like one about missing jelly beans.

Yeah, yeah, I know you’ll probably say that is silly. Still what I was thinking if we could spend a little more time talking about those kinds of tragedies then maybe the other ones wouldn’t matter as much.

Or we could just pass the jelly beans and pretend a little more. Greater tragedies will come and go, but jelly beans are forever.

Hmmm, I wonder if I can get that on the news somehow? I guess it is something else to add into my letter.

Thought for the week: "When you're a kid they tell you fairy tales and everyone says it is a good thing. But as an adult you aren't suppose to believe in fairy tales. So what's up with being expected to belief what politician's say?


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