Saturday, May 20, 2006


I have learned that there are two kinds of down the road. The one is a direction. You go a certain way to get down the road.

The other is more of a plan. As in down the road I’m going to do this. Only you really don’t have to go anywhere to do this.

I just wish I spent more time with the down the road that actually went somewhere. Most of my traveling is to race off on our trash route, which really only goes the same places each week or to chase some griminal.

Those creeps never go anywhere fun either. I mean how come they can’t ever pick somewhere like an amusement park to want to mess up? Even a candy store or theater would be cool too! But no, those jerks pick out places like alleys and other spots that are hardly fun to visit.

So I hardly get a chance to you know have a fun of down the road, down the road kinds of down the road. I only get those “down the road” as in tomorrow that really seems to never come as often as I hope.

I suppose that is one reason my buddy Otis and my boss Dr. Hemoglobin are big on talking about down the road. It sounds so good to talk in terms of someday. That way you know you don’t have to worry about it right now.

What I wish I would hear more often is down the road, right now! I could definitely get used to that kind of down the road. Hasn’t happen so far.

As for myself, well I’m thinking of while I’m waiting for these other dudes to get around to some down the roads that aren’t really down any road, I might plan a few of my own. So I’m going to make mine, down the road, this afternoon. I think the time thing makes the difference.

The hard part though is making sure I get all the details and plan the thing out first. One thing I know with my buddy is that if I say down the road this afternoon he’ll be bugging me for details. He’s big on that when it comes to me. For some reason he’s got this crazy idea that too many things I come up with won’t work. So he always asks a million questions if I come up with some plan.

But I know that is no big deal. All I got to do is figure out the where part. That might take a bit of doing. I mean I want to be sure I pick out some real cool places.

Well I can’t do that today though. I got to many errands to run. So I’ll have to figure it out down the road. Gee, so here I am, doing it myself. Only I known I wouldn’t lie to myself. So when I say down the road I’m going to plan what I do down the road, I think I can depend upon me to do it. I better or else I will get pissed with myself and boy if that happens, myself better watch out or I might hurt myself!


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