Thursday, May 25, 2006


In that game called golf they make a big deal about what they call a hole in one. Now they never say one what, but from what I understand it is suppose to be one in a hole. Why they don’t call it one in a hole I have no idea. At least that would make more sense to me.

Anyway, I’m not really sure why they make such a big deal about it. So far whenever I’ve played golf I’ve never gotten that stupid little ball in one of those holes without hitting it at least ten times.

I know they have this thing called “par,” which is suppose to be about how many times it should take you to actually hit the ball into the hole. Oh yeah and they even number each hole so when you really screw up and it takes like fifty times to hit it in the hole you can remember it by the number. Like I really enjoy the idea of remembering that much embarrassment.

Personally I don’t try and play golf that much. Frankly it is just to dang crowded most of the time for me. I mean you go over to the place and you get that golf club and little colored ball and then you have to stand in line to take a turn behind a bunch other people.

Plus when you do get your turn you end up standing there and hoping you can hit the ball without it hitting the blade of that windmill as it is turning. Man can that be a real pain in the butt.

As far as I’m concerned in the middle of all the pushing and shoving, not to mention going swimming in that big pool when your ball goes whacky, I just don’t find it all that much fun. Plus with all of that to remember how can I be expected to also worry about trying to get the stupid ball in that stupid hole in only one try.

Now if they really wanted to make that a big deal how come they don’t make it easier? I mean they put all those darn obstacles and other crap in the way so you can even see the hole from where you are starting. I swear some dude who was totally drunk must have designed that place if you ask me, which nobody has so far.

Anyway they sure could make things easier if they were to straighten out a few of those curves and junk. Then maybe a few of us would have a better chance at actually getting one of those hole in ones.

Don’t tell anybody, but once when nobody was looking I went ahead and instead of hitting the ball, just walked over to the hole and dropped the ball in it. I got to be honest it sure didn’t feel all that special.

However, I reckon that no matter how silly that might seem and all, it sure doesn’t keep other people from thinking it is a good idea. Hard to figure what some people think if fun at times. I suppose if it was then the dang miniature golf course would be more crowded than it already is.


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