Friday, May 26, 2006


I saw this movie once with a bunch a midgets and this really pretty gal. These little dudes were kind of funny to watch. They had the idea of whistling while they worked as a way of making it seem like you could enjoy a crappy job.

Well that might have worked for them guys, but believe me if I tried it that wouldn’t work for me. Frankly I’m not sure it worked for them either since one of the was named Grumpy, but it sounded good.

Now in my case, whistling would definitely not be cool. I mean on my garbage route if I was to start whistling that early in the morning, I could really piss off somebody who was sleeping. They sure wouldn’t thank me for waking them up!

Plus I reckon my partner Otis would think I was weird too. Well okay, he already knows I’m weird, but there is no reason for me to give him extra cause to think I’m whacky.

Beyond the trash collecting times though there would be other times it wouldn’t be cool either. Like when I’m at STINK headquarters. I mean shoot there are days when Otis and I do something wrong and the last thing we want to do is have our boss Dr. Hemoglobin find out we are there. Those are the days when we try to just sneak in and out and hope we manage to do so without him finding us.

I tell you when those days happen I really prefer to listening to our boss yelling on our answer machine to doing it in person. Because the one thing we both know is that if we are at STINK headquarters and he has a reason to yell the odds are he’s going to find a way to give us a really crappy assignment. And if there is one thing I don’t want when working for a place that fights grime is a crappy assignment because you can be sure it will involve real crap!

Beyond those times the other occasion when I wouldn’t want to whistle is when we are hunting down some griminal. Man you sure can sneak up on a griminal or go on stake out if you are whistling. Those dang griminals may be scum, but they are also smart enough to know that if they hear whistle coming from behind a dumpster it isn’t going to be a bug making the noise.

So when it comes to whistling I will have to keep mine for when I’m in the shower. And let me tell you with my buddy Otis, I wish he would do his whistling then too. It sure would be a lot easier on my ears than having to hear him singing in the shower.

My buddy is a cool dude in many ways, but God sure didn’t see fit to give him a singing voice. But then I suppose I ought to be grateful he just sticks to singing in the shower. I remember when he did give a shot at singing in the choir over at Reverend Analbe’s church. Eventually he got the message that he wasn’t perhaps that great of a singer when they kept moving the practices without telling him.

In any event I think I’ve explained why whistling and work don’t go together for me. And perhaps it works better for you. If so, happy puckering!

Thought for the week: "We only get 24 hours in a day, but there is no limit to the amount of grief you can end up with. Shouldn't you all the time you want and a limit on grief?"


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