Saturday, May 27, 2006


Well I don’t I definitely don’t like having to wait at stop lights. Personally I have this feeling that there are a few of them in our city that are just plain vicious. Yeah, I know that might sound silly. But let me tell you I’ve spend enough time at some traffic light where I swear it intentionally knows I’m there. And honestly it refuses to turn green my way till everyone else has a chance to go.

I just have this feeling that somewhere in our city there is this mad scientist kind of dude who loves ruining driver’s days. So he had fixed the signal lights to give them an attitude so they can work extra hard pissing you off.

I did try at one time to figure a way to find this jerk, but I haven’t found him yet. Until I do, I just try to avoid going down certain streets if it means I have to deal with some snooty signal light.

However, for those times I can’t avoid those lights, I just simply try a different solution. I call it stop light junk food. That is the extra yummy snack stuff you can put in your mouth instead of having to sit there and gripe about the signal light. I’m still working on refining my list of waiting foods, but half the fun is with the experimenting.

Now so far I have found out that some foods definitely don’t work as waiting foods. Even though they are fast foods and not technically junk foods, they don’t work in this category on account of messiness. That applies for me to burritos and burgers. You end up dripping that secret sauce or those refried beans on your pants and it just is such a pain. Plus you’ll end up still holding it when the light changes and that can be a pain too.

Fries don’t work too bad. As long as you don’t try using ketchup. It is hard to concentrate on dipping the fries in the ketchup while watching for the light to change.

As for you more usual junk food, well most of it works okay. Candy bars, jelly beans, anything you can eat without having to work at it is pretty cool.

Donuts are kind of okay, providing you are talking about something other than jelly filled. They might drip all over and then you might miss when the light changes.

I appreciate how some might think this whole thing is silly. But you know when I see people sitting at a signal light they sure don’t seem very happy.

So the way I figure, why not at least be able to put a smile on your face? At least then with your mouth full of something tasty you won’t be as inclined to feel a need to gripe as much.

Plus you tummy will probably be happy too. And if there is one thing I appreciate it is that an unhappy tummy will make the rest of your body pretty miserable at the same time. So grab it, stuff it and keep smiling till you see the green light.


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