Monday, May 29, 2006


Ah, I want to tell you that there is nothing cooler at times than a great flashlight. Providing it is working. Man let me tell you if you get one that the batteries don’t work, it is the worse feeling. And the real pits is when they just plain didn’t get replaced because you are a lazy jerk who didn’t bother to check them enough times.

So then what happens is you end up with finding out when the power is out that you need the flashlight. That is the one thing about flashlights, they generally aren’t something you think about till it is too late.

What makes it tough for me is that you know when we do need them and the darn thing doesn’t work because the batteries are bad then you can find the spare batteries in the dark to fix the problem. Man does that feeling ever suck. I mean it is bad enough feeling like some idiot. Then you feel even dumber when you can’t manage to fix the problem because you can’t even find the drawer in the dark to look for the new batteries.

But for me the absolute worse part is having to put up with listening to my buddy, Otis, ramble on about being prepared. Man if he spent half as much time being prepared as talking about it then we both wouldn’t have a problem.

I guess what bugs me in that regard is that he generally doesn’t tell me it is my job to do something tell after it doesn’t get done. Like with batteries he never sits down and say, it is your turn to check the batteries. He just sort of says that afterwards like I’m suppose to be a mind reader.

I did know a dude who said he was a mind reader once. Only we didn’t get to spend much time together. He just kind of claimed he could read my mind. Well after that I guess for some reason he got brain drain or something because he had to go over and spend some time in a place for resting after apparently reading my mind. Can’t understand what the problem was. I mean I didn’t even think about flashlights or batteries once when I knew him. I reckon that didn’t keep him from thinking about it though.

In the meantime I’m working on my own plan for making sure the batteries down run out in our flashlight. I’m thinking if I leave it on all the time that is one way I’ll know. And to be sure Otis doesn’t gripe about me not checking batteries maybe I’ll be sure I leave the flashlight on and in his bedroom so it will shine in his eyes when he’s trying to sleep.

But I imagine with my luck he’ll find something wrong with that idea too. That is one of my problems. I just never can solve these problems and make everyone happy.

That don’t mean I don’t try. Lord knows I try all the time. Why I even tried with the toaster that time. Otis said there was nothing wrong with it, but I thought there was and it was because it had too many crumbs in it. I figured washing it good would solve the problem. Only I suppose I should have dried it before Otis tried to use it to make toast. At least he didn’t need a flashlight when that sparks were shooting off his body at the time. And he didn’t even need batteries!


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