Sunday, June 04, 2006


Now the part that worries me with this is the IT part. I mean doing it can be cool if it happens to be a good thing.

Only if it is a lame thing then just doing it and not thinking about it first can be dumb and stupid! Well too me at least.

Anyway, I do like the idea of just do it if you at least explain the it part first. I recall when I saw this phrase on this poster where there was this dude dressed in what looked like his underwear. He was running in the poster away from the camera. So all you saw was his backside.

Now I got no idea what IT he did, but it must have been something kind of bad since he was running and just wearing underwear probably means he was in big trouble. I’m not sure that was helping the idea of doing it.

Maybe I ought to find the poster people who took that picture and see if I could get them to think of a better kind of IT picture. Like say having it taken from something like a candy store.

I figure that kind of IT would be something everyone would understand. At least I would think it would be make more sense than seeing some sweaty dude in his underwear!

Of course being a grimefighter I guess I ought to toss in something about maybe showing picture or two of people putting trash in a trash can. I don’t reckon that would need much explanation would it? Probably would be best if they were smiling though.

I know one thing, if you ain’t enjoying the doing part you’ll probably not be as keen on doing it no matter what it is. At least I know that works that way for me.

Perhaps it works different for other people though. I can’t say for sure. Guess I could ask. It would hurt.

I wonder what the best way to ask might be. I could just go up and ask someone how they like to do it?

Only I reckon I better be careful who I ask that of. It would better be somebody I know. Because otherwise their idea of an it could be really weird and I already got enough weird crap in my life.

Anyway I guess this is worth giving some thought. You never knew when it will be something worth talking about.

Just like most things in life it is better when you think about stuff before you just really do them. At least I think it works best that way.

I hope it works that way with you too. Well on the it part at least, whatever the it is that you enjoy.


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